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"Kirishima!" The search party looked through the rubble. Momo and a few others volunteered to help.

"D'ya think he might be under some rubble?" Mina walked beside momo and Hagekure. Momo glanced at Mina, "I hope that's not the case." Hagekure agreed, speeding up her pace.

They reached a path that split into two, the girls stopped. "I'll take the left path, you two go the opposite way." Momo said, not looking back once, she left the two girls alone.

"Alright! Let's go Mina." Hagekure began marching shortly followed by Mina. They reached a mountain of concrete. "Let's search behind it just to make sure."

The girls turned around and were met with the red haired boy on his knees. Mina let a sigh escape from her mouth. She approached him but as she got closer she noticed a second figure on the ground. Presumably unconscious.

Kirishima whipped his head around surprised to find the two girls standing there. "Everyone's looking for you, what happened?" Hagekure peeked behind Kirishima's shoulder.

"I uhm, I found him snooping around. I assumed he was a villain." Kirishima stood up taking a quick glance at the boy before approaching the Mina.

"Gosh! that must've been so scary!" Hagekure tiptoed around the body. "What happened?" Kirishima asked Mina.

"Help arrived, rescued the class, swat teams bringing as many villains into custody for interrogation."

"Ah." Kirishima began to walk away. "Where are you going? We can't just leave this villain here." Mina turned around crossing her arms. Hagekure nodded, "Mina's right, what if he wakes up and escapes or something."

"We need to turn him into the authorities." Kirishima dropped his shoulders nodding in agreement. "So, are you saying I'd have to carry him?"

The girls shrugged, Kirishima sighed. And walked towards the boy slinging him over his shoulder. "Let's go." Kirishima's words strained. "Man he's heavier that I'd thought he'd be"

Mina chuckled.

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