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Katsuki pov

I stomped past the rubble, followed by shitty hair, looking behind his shoulder in paranoia.

"Do you think we're being watched?" He leaned forward whispering in my ear. I swatted him away like a fly, visibly annoyed and pressured already. Kirishima was basically glued onto me like a small defenseless child. So much for being so manly.

"Where are we going?" Kirishima once again leaned into me, his hot breath ran down my neck. I spun around, shoving him. "I'm trying to find wherever the hell we came from!" I hissed throwing my finger in his face. "And you're just following me around like some scared little shit."

I continued to walk forward only this time Kirishima wasn't following. He stood there glaring at me, "You're such an insensitive asshole, you know that right?"

"What the hell you'd say to me?!" I whipped around to find myself yelling at a cloud of dust. He'd gone off on his own path as a stood on my own. Just like how it's always been, left behind with my explosive tendencies. I let out a yell in frustration.

"Fine! Fuck off!" I stormed away.


Izuku pov

I began to move around the rubble avoiding spots where I could be spotted in plain sight. I sprinted feeling the weight of my body with every step. It was a feeling that was long gone and forgotten. Only this time I remembered, and I could feel it. This was enough proof that I am living and breathing again.

I had a million things racing in my head and that's when I saw him. My heart skipped a beat throwing me completely off rhythm. Not the bubbly kind of feeling either. It was a feeling I never forgot about. Raw fear.

The spiky blond stomped by, If I didn't know any better I'd say something or someone pissed him off. My shoulders fell, and my eyes followed as he walked further away. I could've said something, I should've but I was always invisible to him, dead or not.

"Don't move."

A quavering voice spoke from behind. I froze in place. I felt like a criminal getting caught in the middle of a bank heist.

"Raise your hands slowly," whoever was behind me tried their best to sound intimidating. I slowly lifted my arms that were resting at my sides. Bringing them behind my head as slowly and calmly as I could.

Shit, what now?

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