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"Ms. Midoriya I am detective Tsukauchi from the police department. Sorry to call so late but this matter is in regards to your son." The woman cleared her throat before answering. "I'm sorry there must be a mistake, my son has passed away."

"That's actually why I'm calling today. We need you to come down to the station as soon as possible." I gripped the phone in anticipation.

"I'm sorry but is this about the allegations against his childhood friend?" The woman seemed confused.

"No, actually its something urgent." I replied calmly.

"Sir, it is three am," she breathed "surely this matter could wait until a more convenient time?" She sounded annoyed, I would be too.

"Ms. Midoriya I am about to tell you something that will sound insane." I thought of a way to put this lightly.

"What is this nonsense?" She said.

"Your son is at the police station, in the interrogation room," I caught my breath "He's here."

She scoffed. A spew of unintelligible words came from the other line before I spoke once more.

"This matter is urgent, you might want to come down to the station."

"With all due respect sir, I saw my son's mutilated body at the morgue." Her tone changed she was furious. "I CHOSE his casket." She paused, "I PLANNED HIS DAMN FUNERAL." She went silent before speaking again.

"My son cannot possibly be alive, as much I wish he was." She hung up without a second thought. I sat there in defeat. I set the phone down and shut my eyes thinking of what to do next.

How could I convince this woman of the impossible? Visiting her home deemed to be too extreme. I pondered for a bit until a bulb lit in my mind. This Izuku kid should know exactly what to say to convince his mother. It was only a matter of getting the two to communicate.

I couldn't just bring a phone in, perhaps something that could record his voice. A tape recorder, a prerecorded message would work perfectly. Bingo, I rummaged through my cabinets when I pulled out just what I needed.

I raced my way back to the boy. When I entered he was humming some sort of tune. His face lit up upon my appearance.

"You're back, I was starting to get a little bored here," he added "little is a bit of an understatement." He gave me a weary smile.

"I apologize but I was trying to get in contact with your mother." The boy's eyes widened.

"Oh my god," he whispered to himself, "What did you tell her?" He said loud enough for me to hear.

"The truth of course, but she was very skeptical. She eventually hung up on me." I sat down lifting the tape recorder. "Maybe she'd believe it more if she heard it from you." The boy sat there in doubt. Looking at the recorder then back at me.

"What am I supposed to say?" he slumped back, "Hey remember me! it's your son, the one who jumped off that really high building on purpose!" he said sarcastically. "I'm back." this time his voice cracked. He choked back tears.

"Try saying something really specific the two of you would understand kid." I passed him the device and he held it for a moment looking at it.

"Yea I'll do that." He muttered, clicking the record button.

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