Twenty four

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Inko sat on the couch staring off into space. Izuku sat there waiting for a response. He had told her the whole story, from start to finish.

Still she couldn't comprehend the concept of the afterlife. The detective was there to back up the events that Izuku mentioned.

"So? You were a ghost??" She said still staring off into space. Izuku nodded looking at her puffy eyes.

"You we're here the whole time?" She said, "watching over us?" Inko faced Izuku who looked exhausted.

"Basically yea." Izuku shrugged. The detective just sat there with a cup of tea.
"And you were following Katsuki around?" She asked again.

Izuku let out a combination of a laugh and a sigh, "yea it can get pretty boring being a ghost." Inko chuckled a little bit.

Everything went quiet, Inko opened her mouth then closed it. She hesitated to ask more questions.

"Did it hurt?" She said quietly.

Izuku scrunched up his face and smiled. "Only for a second," he grabbed his mother's hands "I promise."

"Ok." She nodded.

More silence continued before the detective took out a business card. He handed the card to Inko and stood up.

"I ought to get going, but if you ever need to contact me." Inko and Izuku escorted the detective to the front door.

"Oh and Izuku," Tsukauchi turned around "I hope to see you around, I'd like to keep tabs on you." He said giving Izuku a handshake.

Izuku nodded.

"This is a first in my career as a detective." He stepped outside. He waved goodbye and walked off.

Izuku turned to Inko and they just hugged. They stood in silence for a couple of minutes before Izuku broke the silence.

"I really missed you," he whispered "and your home cooked food."

They broke down into laughter. "Let's get you cleaned up, how about some new clothes?"

"I'd like that. A lot."


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