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Tenya Iida pov

My heart was thumping, beating, begging to rip out of my chest. I practically burst through the teachers lounge room of UA.

I figured that's where most teachers would be around this time. I looked around to find teachers buried in paperwork. That's when I saw him.

He looked like all might, but skinnier and pale.  I opened my mouth but no words came out, a few teachers scurried to escort the skinny man. A teacher approached me, fuming, literally.

"Young man! How dare you burst in! These are restricted areas!" The teacher barked. I fumbled with my words trying to find the ones that made sense.

"You? What's your name?" Teacher Sekijiro's smooth deep voice echoed. The teachers were glaring expecting me to explain myself.

I was panicking on the inside and all that I could do was stutter and shuffle around.

"Aren't you Aizawa's kid? You're supposed to be training at USJ?"

"Aren't you Aizawa's kid? You're supposed to be training at USJ?"

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"YES!" I blurted out.

"Excuse me?"

"I'm sorry it's that I'm a bit nervous and-" My chest tightened, my classmates depend on me the most right now and here I am panicking. Pathetic.

"The villains have infiltrated USJ and plan to kill all might!" For a brief second I felt the weight magically disappear off my shoulders.

A few glances were exchanged, and soon enough the teachers had no second to spare. I saw what true heroes were. Helpful and quick. The heroes began orbiting around me in chaos. Paperwork fluttering, hero's making phone calls left and right.

Military troops were being deployed. Hero's making themselves responsible for their students, scheduling substitutes. This is what it meant to be a hero.

I opened my eyes today and from now on I will promise to make myself useful.

"Come on boy, explain everything in detail." Sekijiro gripped my shoulders tight. "Y-yes sir!" I straightened up.

Help is on the way, please wait a little longer 1A!


writers note:

yeesh! nine parts already! thanks to those who stuck around, im very motivated so thanks to those<3

honestly the idea for this fanfic came to me very randomly and i impulsively began writing. so there's no direction to where this story might go, but id love to hear more from my readers. im 100% open to future ideas and scenarios etc.

i think that's all I got to say for now, i hope you continue to enjoy my horrible writing lol!


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