- Chapter 1: Returning Home -

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- Elizabeth's Pov -

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- Elizabeth's Pov -

Finally i have just passed the welcome to forks sign after driving for 33 hours with a couple breaks because come one no-one can drive for 33 hours without a break and the only reason to why i have been driving for so long is my half sister. I had to leave my mums ranch in texas where i have spent the last year because Dad rang me a couple days ago telling me how he can't deal with Bella anymore due to all the trouble she is causing with the Cullen family and the res boys who have now got a restraining order against her. She has been stalking them, causing trouble, she has also been arrested twice for stealing then he said that if she causes one more problem he will send her ass back to Renèe's and the whole time he was speaking i could hear the exhaustion in his voice because of everything Bella has done and i know he needs help putting Bella back in her place so i told him i am coming home no ifs or buts about it. After that phone call i quickly packed all my stuff putting it all in my jeep and put my dog Ace in the car making sure he had his seat belt on then started the long drive to help my dad put that bitch in her place once and for all.

I pull up to my childhood home and park up next to dad's cruiser then shut the engine off and as i climb out Ace follows suit jumping over the center console and out my car landing at the side of me with a bark making me laugh at him, he has taken the long drives and the nights sleeping in the car like a champ. I hear the front door open and watch as dad comes out standing on the front porch looking at me with tears in his eyes and seeing him like that broke my heart so i run and jump into his arms wrapping my legs around his waist then wrap my arms around his neck. I put my head in his neck as he runs his hand up and down my back while he says he missed me over and over again after a while he puts me down on to my own feet and takes me inside while making sure Ace is following us then he takes me in to the livingroom where i sit down next to him on the couch with Ace at my feet.

"I missed you honey" He said grabbing my hand holding it tightly

"I missed you too dad but i am back now" I said squeezing his hand

"Why didn't you come back sooner kiddio" He said sadly

"I wanted to come back, I really did but by being on the ranch made me feel closer to mum like she was there with me. Then you called me and i knew i had to come home so here i am to help you with Bella" I said with a small smile

"She will always be with you no matter where you are plus you will still be close with your mum because you are living in her home that she left for you and you are most definitely not helping me with Bella" He said smiling back at me

"Seriously dad, she has put so much weight on your shoulders, i need to help you" I said looking at him worried

"I agree with you on that but if she continues military boot camp is calling her name" He said with a wink making me laugh

"You used to threaten me with that! Does it still work on Bella" I said amused

"It had worked untill know" He said with a frown

He opens his mouth to say something but before he could even mutter one word his phone rings making him shift slight so he get pull his phone out his trousers pocket and answer it. It must have been someone important because he gets up and walks to the kitchen while talking about something to do with Bella. I don't pay any attention to anything else that is being said because it's none of my business at the end of the day plus i know if it's bad enoug dad would tell me anyway seeing as that's the sort of relationship we have.

"It was Carlisle his kids just rang him from school saying Bella is harassing and won't take no as a answer, do you fancy a trip to school kid?" He asks with a smirk

"Answer this question first, is my baby still around back in the shed?" I ask with a smirk

"Of course, i wouldn't dream of getting rid of your motorbike" He said with his own smirk

"Then school sounds perfect, you take your cruiser with Ace then i will take my baby and follow you" I said excitedly

"I knew you would want to take your baby and want Ace with you" He said shaking his head then chuckled

"I go nowhere without Ace because he is my baby just like my motorbike, where ever i go he goes plus the last time he met Bella he scared her, i want her to be scared shitless" I said smirking

"Then let's go to school" He said grabbing his keys

He kisses my forehead then walks out the back door probably to get my motorbike aka my baby and after a couple minutes i hear the familiar sound of my motorbike's horn from outside. I squeal as i run outside only to see dad stood there next to my motorbike with a helmet in his hand and Ace by his side, when he sees me he throws me his keys to lock the front door which i do. Then i go over to him and grab the helmet out his hand and put it on knowing i would get the yelling of a lift time if i didn't then i straddle my baby starting her up making her purr to life. Dad smirks at me as he goes to his car and puts Ace in the passenger seat making sure he is buckled in to his special dog seat belt then he gets into the drivers seat and starts the engine. I couldn't help but smile whenhe waves his hand out the window which is something he has done since i got my bike licence plus it's his way to check that i am ready to go, return his wave with my own and that's all it took for him to drive off with him right behind him making sure he can see me through his mirrors because i don't want him to worry about me.

Time to show Bella, the whole school and town that Elizabeth Autumn Swan is home and this time she won't let anyone walk all over her or hurt her ever again because i've changed for the better



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