- Chapter 28 : Expecting a perfectly healthy -

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- Elizabeth's Pov -

Esme drove home at a safe speed she asked me multiple times if i was okay and if the baby was still moving which i replied yes to both i just wanted to hurry back so Carlisle can check me over and make sure my baby is okay as soon as Esme parked up at the house i climbed out the car as fast as my pregnant ass allowed me too i could hear Esme laugh at me as i finally got out i huffed at her then walked into the house and up to the medical room with Esme not far being me when i got there Carlisle was already waiting for me with a smile on his face i smiled back then layed down on the hospital bed i uncover my baby bump Esme comes over and stands beside me next to my head.

"Edward called me and filled me in on everything i will do a quick check up then i can do a ultrasound if that's okay" Carlisle asked softly and calmly but i could see the concern in his eyes

"That's fine with me, Do your thing doctor cullen" I said jokingly knowing he hates when i call him cullen or doctor cullen he always tells me to call him Carlisle or pop's when i am comfortable enough

"Well your certainly not in pain are you little miss joker" He said amused

"There's no pain at all and the baby is moving around while giving me a few kicks and i'm sooooooo hungry" I said with a pout at the end

"Once Carlisle has done i will go cook you something while you watch tv" Esme said running her fingers through my hair

Carlisle started doing the usual medical this has became a normal thing for me i just lay here and let him do test after test on me i just want him to hurry up so he can check the baby finally after 20 horrible minutes Carlisle pulls out the ultrasound machine and starts doing checks on the baby i can feel my panic rise as i watch Carlisle's face go from professional to filled with love and admiration in seconds he signals Esme over and as soon as her eyes land on the screen that i can still not see her face goes from worried to fullied with love it's making my chest go tight with worry.

"What's wrong? Is the baby okay? Please god tell me the baby is okay? I swear to lucifer if Bella has hurt my baby i will kill her!?" I said in a rush as my chest gets tighter and tighter

"Nothing is wrong the baby is fine there is no accelerated growth everything is perfectly fine and The baby moved which caused me to see the gender" Carlisle said his eyes not leaving the screen

"I-I want to wait for jasper so we can know the gender together" I said before one of them got the chance to say anything

"I thought you would say that honey, how about i go to the store and get something pregnancy gender related so it can be a massive surprise for everyone" Esme said thoughtfully

"I would love that thank you Esme" I said gratefully

She kisses my forehead then walks over to Carlisle and proceeds to tell him what she was going to cook for me and where everything is he goes to say something but she cuts him off with a kiss then she vamp speeds out the room i can hear her laugh as she leaves the house Carlisle chuckles as he packs up the ultrasound machine i wile the god awful gel off my baby bump then get up with some help once i am stood up Carlisle loops my arm threw his then leads me down to the livingroom where he sits me down onto the couch then he goes into the kitchen.

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