- Chapter 2: My Mate -

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- Elizabeth's Pov -

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- Elizabeth's Pov -

Just as we arrived into the parking lot i see loads of students walking out of school and when they hear my baby all their eyes stay glued to me. I carefully check my watch as i ride and see that it is lunch time which explains all the students in the parking. Dad parks up and gets out with Ace following him while i park next to his cruiser and take off my helmet as i dismount. I put my helmet on the bonnet of dad's cruiser then whistle for Ace to follow me then we walk across the parking lot making all the students eyes go wide. All of them go pale when they see dad wearing all his chief get up and looks like he means business and i have to bite the inside of my cheek to stop myself from laughing at them.

When we get inside we go straight to the office to ask where Bella would be and to get some passes so we don't get stopped every ten minutes by teachers, Thankfully there was a nice lady in the office who gave us the passes and told us where Bella is. Then she did say the school has a no animals policy but because the dog is the chiefs she will let it slide which make me smirk even dad smirked as he said a quick thank you and took the passes off her. We walked out the office and headed straight to the canteen where Bella is and every student we walked past stared but we just carried on walking not showing them any intrest at all. When we get to the canteen doors dad kicked them open and i know he means business which means Bella is in the shit now, just as the doors collide against the wall Ace comes to my side because loud noise makes him anxious. I scratch him behind his ears since that always calms him down but i stop when i notice the whole canteen has gone quiet and all heads have turn towards us even the teachers are staring.

I look around trying to find Bella only to find her right at the back in the far corner staring at a table with five students sat around it, i nudge dad with my elbow and nod my head towards Bella. When he looks angry when he sees her and within seconds he is storming over to her with me and Ace behind him ready to back him up if she starts her shit. I start to feel a pull in my chest and it's like a piece of string trying to pull me somewhere and i know what that means thanks to dad telling me how he felt this exact feeling when he met my mum. It's a soulmate bond which means someone at the table Bella is staring at is my soulmate i start to feel myself panic because i don't want my mate to be scared of my dad after seeing this.

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