- Chapter 13: I will do just that Major -

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|Elizabeth's Pov|

Hearing her voice was like hearing nails go down a chalkboard i move on Jasper's lap so i am straddling him i give him a quick kiss on the cheek then look behind him making eye contact with Bella she has her hands clenched into fists while she looks at me with jealousy and anger in her eyes i sweetly smile at her then look around the cafeteria only to see every single student looking angry at Bella they all know thanks to Jasper and the other's that i am Jasper's girlfriend not her plus no-one likes Bella after word got out about her being a stalker especially when they all heard what her mother did to dad, me and my mum.

"I said get of my boyfriend you bitch!" Bella yells again

"Wait who are you talking to because i sure as hell know you aren't talking to me!" I said coldly i am not letting this bitch get to me not now not ever

"Yes i am talking to you! Jasper is my boyfriend!" Bella yells again god can she not just talk

"One can you please stop with the fucking yelling you have all the attention just like you wanted and two last time i checked me and Jasper are dating so you have the wrong person" I said coldly again

"Leave them alone they are clearly dating get your crazy ass away from them" a boy yelled making me and Jasper laugh

"They are not dating!" Bella yelled again

"Someone call chief swan his daughter needs a straight jacket and a padded cell!" A girl yelled making everyone laugh

"You see Bella you plan to get everyone to hate me so you can have Jasper isn't going to work because they have all heard about your stalker ways they have even heard what you and your mother did to dad and me so they don't like you, your getting all the attention for the wrong reason" I said coldly after the laughter died down

"Elizabeth and Jasper won't break up for you or for anyone they are made for each other now get your ugly crazy ass away from us" Rosalie said coldly as came over and stood next to me

"You have 5 seconds to get the hell away from me and the Cullen's before i beat the hell out of you" I said coldly the instinct to protect my mate and new siblings kick in

"5" a girl yelled just as some teachers walked into the cafeteria i saw a student go to them probably explaining the situation

"4" Emmett said coldly that shocked me i have never heard him speak so coldly

"3" Rosalie said coldly as i climbed of Jasper's lap and stand up cracking my knuckles

"2" Jasper said will not looking at Bella

"1" I said smirking

I threw a punch and hit her straight in the nose making her fall back on her ass i stand over to top of her so my feet are either side of her i bend down and grab the front of her shirt lifting her up slightly just as i punch her for a second time she manages to kick me in the stomach making me gasp for air which gave her the opportunity to headbut me in the nose i didn't hear a crack so my nose isn't broken but i do hear a low growl behind me and i know it's major he has taken control knowing that this isn't the best time and place for him to be in control i quickly grab Bella's shirt again and punch her one after the other until until she is unconscious and bloody she will definitely need a nose job and will definitely need to be seen by a dentist i drop her down onto the floor then walk over to Jasper who's now stood next to Rosalie they both look angry but Jasper looks pissed his eyes are black with red specs major is definitely in control when i get to his i see two teachers come over and drag Bella out literally they grab her arms and dragged her out it was hilarious.

"Take this as a lesson to anyone who trys to break up my brother and his girlfriend, leave them the hell alone!" Edward yells which shocked me he is normally the quiet one

"Come on guys we are going home we need to clean up Elizabeth and call Charlie" Emmett said worriedly

Major picks me up and rushes me out as humanly as possible with everyone else behind us i place my hand on Jasper's i mean Major's cheek hoping it helps to calm him down everyone jumps in their cars and drives away while Jasper puts me in the passenger of my car then he jumps in the drivers seat he starts the car then races out of the car park the whole drive was quiet it is a nice quiet he even held my hand as he drove being careful of my now busted knuckles though when we get to the cullen's house jasper used his vamp speed to get to the passenger side and picked me up again and rushed me inside and into Carlisle's office and to my surprise Carlisle and dad are already stood there waiting for me Jasper sat me down on the couch next to Carlisle's desk then he sat next to me.

"What happened honey?" Dad asked sitting the other side of me

"Bella happened i gave her the chance to leave but she didn't so i beat her ass i am not going to be the fragile girl anymore" I said showing dad my hands

"Can i clean and bandage you hands dear?" Carlisle asked calmly

"Yes Carlisle you don't need to ask i trust you completely" I said giving him a small smile

"Check her nose too that bitch headbutted her" Major said with a growl

"I will do just that major" Carlisle said looking at me worriedly

Carlisle did what he said he cleaned and wrapped up my knuckles which were busted and bloody it didn't hurt as much as i thought it would when he cleaned them it just stung alittle when he finished with my hands he checked mt nose and just as i thought it wasn't broken it was just bruised and bleeding once he finished i saw dad was on the phone Carlisle went over and wrapped his arms around dad from behind i smiled at them my dad is definitely going to be happy with him and Esme and i am going to love having Carlisle and Esme as extra parents Jasper suddenly picked me up making me squeal he chuckled at me then carried me into the livingroom where everyone else was waiting.



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