- Chapter 20: Impossible!? -

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|Elizabeth's Pov|

I wake up with pain shooting up my arm i groan as i sit up my hand is still bandaged up and my fingers are in a splint god i definitely did punch the shit out of Renèe to damage my hands i am still exhausted from yesterday afternoon after we finished discussing the plan we all helped dad temporarily move out of his house and into the cullen's house untill Renèe and Bella have been delt with it wasn't safe for him to be in his house alone once he was settled at the cullen's place Jasper took me back to my cabin and stayed with me all night watching multiple movies wait hang on Jasper i look around my bedroom and notice he isn't in here just as i climb out of bed i feel a lump travel up my throat i run to the both and drop to my knee's infront of the toilet and vomit up everything i ate yesterday my hair gets held back and i feel someone rubbing my back.

"Let it all out darlin it's okay" I hear Jasper say behind me

"J-Jasper" I choke out

"I'm here darlin" He said softly as i vomit for the second time

Jasper flushes the toilet as i slump down against the fall completely exhausted Jasper hands me a glass of water which i gladly drink next he passes me a toothbrush to brush my teeth which i gladly do then he picks me up and lays me back down in bed and tucks me in he vamp speeds out the room then in a matter of seconds he is back with a cold bottle of water he hasn't looked me in the eye the since he left the room he looks worried and shocked? Why would he be shocked i understand the worry but why is he shocked

"Jasper what's wrong?" I asked tilting my head

"Carlisle is coming over to find out darlin" He said sitting next ti me with his back against the headboard

"Your freaking me out now, what's got you so worried and shocked" I said feeling my chest start to tighten

"Carlisle is coming to check you over i feel something in our bond and seeing as you have been sick i dont want to risk anything" He said sounding very, very worried

"I-I, W-What!!" I said shocked he is a vampire so how the fuck is this possible

"Kids where are you!" I hear Carlisle shout from downstairs shit i forgot about the silence spell i put around the bedroom to stop people from hearing what is said and done in my bedroom if they are anywhere in my cabin

"Upstairs you should be able to hear us now!" I yelled back only to squeal in surprise due to Carlisle appearing out of nowhere god damn it!

"Can you hear that Jasper?" Carlisle asked shocked

"Wha - that's impossible!" Jasper said cutting himself off

"Guys what is going on!!" I practically yell getting agitated

"I will tell you once i have gave you a full check up because if it's what i think it is then we are all going to have to re think this plan of yours" Carlisle said softly

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