- Chapter 15: Second Date Pt.1 -

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|Elizabeth's Pov|

I wake up to birds singing outside mt window stupid god damn birds i sit up with a groan as a pain shots through my stomach i raise my pj shirt and see a massive bruise where Bella kicked me yesterday i climb out of bed and go to the bathroom i turn the shower on, strip out my pj's and step into the shower the warm water washes over my body easing the pain on my bruise i rest my head against the wall after yesterday i just need to relax today i did try and relax last night but i couldn't dad kept trying to convince me not to do the spell worried that i will have the same fate as grandpa but i will do it for dad Renèe and Bella have done nothing but ruin dad's, Mum's and my life if doing this spell stops them from doing anymore harm then i will do it.

"Sweetheart are you away?" Dad's voice fills my head from our bond

"Yes dad i'm just taking a shower, Why what's wrong" I asked removing my head from the wall and quickly wash myself

"Just making sure your up there will be a surprise at your door in 10 minutes dress comfortable" He said back then shut the bond

Really another surprise i can't take anymore they have already done so much for me i quickly shut the shower off as i climb out, quickly dry myself then get dressed (Outfit above) I finish doing my hair and put on my shoes that go with my outfit they are high heel boots and extremely comfortable i jump when i hear a knock at the front door i rush out the bedroom making sure to grab my phone on the way then i ran downstairs and throw open the front door and come face to face with Jasper he is wearing a tight fitted black shirt with a black and red checkered flannel over the top and tight fitted jeans and true to his background he is wearing cowboy boots i also see he looks me up and down with his brown eyes that are fully with lust his eyes meet mine and he smirks god that smirk.

"Good mornin darlin" He said smirking

"Good morning Jasper" I said smiling

"Today i am taking you out for the day for our second date you need to relax after all the drama you have had to deal with these past few days" He said softly

"Oh my goodness thank you Jasper!" I squeal

"Now let's go beautiful" He said grabbing my hand and pulling me out the house

"Where are we going" I asked magically locking mt front door

"Well you will have to climb on my back to find out" He said with a cheeky smile i back away from him then run and jump onto his back wrapping mt legs around his waist and my arms around his neck he places his hands under my legs holding me with a chuckle

"Hold on tight my little witch because we are travelling by vamp speed and i don't want you falling on your sexy ass" He said teasingly

"Well my cowboy i know you won't let me fall so get to running" I whisper in his ear

I hear him chuckle as he tightens his hold on my legs i tuck my head into his neck then he starts running i can feel the wind hitting my skin and i can hear all the wildlife as we zip past them even though i can't see anything i know we ate going extremely fast bit the feeling of Jasper's hands on my legs is making it hard for me to keep a level head i want to take this a step forward i want to be his girlfriend and i want to complete the mate bond but i am scared he doesn't want the same i know we haven't been together long but we are mate's and it doesn't take mate's long to complete the bond i snap put my thoughts when Jasper suddenly stops running making my stomach slam into his back i groan in pain in a blink of and eye i am being held bridle style with Jasper looking at me worriedly.

"What happened? Are you hurt? Show me!" He said firing questions at me

"When you suddenly stopped my stomach hit your back and i groaned because thanks to Bella i have a big bruise on my stomach, see" I said and lifted up my shirt to show him

"I am so sorry darlin" He said sadly

"Hey it's okay i promise don't ruin our date day!" I said not wanting to miss what he planned for us

"Are you sure?" He asked concerned

"Yes i am positive, Now what have you planned for us first" I said with a smile

"Close you eyes" He said i did what he he asked and felt him run a little further only for him to stop again this time he didn't do it so suddenly.

"Open your eyes darlin" He said softly

I open my eyes and gasp we are stood in a middle of a flower field i see a blanket with a pinic basket on it there is even a small glass with rose inside it and rose petals around the blanket tears gather in my eyes as i look up at Jasper who is still holding me bridle style.

"It's perfect" i said with a smile

"I wanted everything perfect for you today is all about you darlin" He said then kissed my forehead

"No today is about us not just me" I said

"Come on you have to eat you haven't had breakfast" He said sitting me down on the blanket

"I will only eat if you do" I said softly

"Of course i will" He said sitting down next to me



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