- Chapter 29: Till the very end -

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- Elizabeth's Pov -

I rest my head against the shower wall and let the water wash over my aching back it's been a month since me and Jasper found out we are having a baby boy and alot has happened over that month dad ended up permanently moving into the cullen's house and selling his house, Bella has caused alot of trouble around town she even got beat up by a couple school kids because everyone heard about what she did to me and well they weren't happy so they decided to beat her up while telling her to stay away from me and apparently Waylon has been ignoring his responsibility of being her dad he doesn't want anything to do with her because of what Renèe did to dad which has caused the whole town to turn on him too.

I have tired to stay out the drama and just concentrate on me, Jasper and our baby but four days ago while out shopping for some baby things with Esme, Rosalie and Alice i ended up getting cornered by Bella who tried to hit me but before she could land a hit Rosalie and Alice stepped inbetween me and Bella and let's just say Bella ended up unconscious on the floor that's when Esme, Rosalie and Alice started to fuss over me i tried to tell them i was okay but i just fainted in Esme's arms they rushed me home where Carlisle did a medical check Bella had caused another growth acceleration one that was far worse then the other times he also found out that i could give birth at any moment so he put me on bed rest again and had me drink nothing but blood and eat loads for four days straight to get my strength back everyone has been treating me like i am fragile and they won't leave me alone i always have someone with me they wouldn't even let me take a shower or bath alone but thankfully this morning they let me have a shower alone they must have sensed my desperation to be alone.

"Darlin are you okay?" I hear Jasper ask from the other side of the bathroom door breaking me out my thoughts

"Yes i am fine just finishing in the shower" I mumble knowing he will hear me perfectly

I shut the water off them climb out the shower i dry my body and my hair then get dressed (Outfit above) I put my hair into a messy bun not knowing what to do with it i quickly put my watch on then leave the bathroom only to get sweeped up into Jasper's arms i didn't squeal or even react at all i have been carried around for the past four days it's just become the new normal for me he carries me down to the livingroom and sits me on the couch next to dad who has Esme on his lap Jasper places a bowl of oatmeal on my lap and puts a cup of blood in my hand i don't say anything i just eat my oatmeal and drink all the blood once i am done Jasper takes to dirty dishes to the kitchen while i lean back onto the couch and let out a sigh.

"Are you okay honey?" Esme asked still sat on dad's lap

"I promise i am okay Esme it's just all this fussing is getting to much for me" I said while placing my hand on my very big baby bump

"I know you just want to be alone with Jasper but Elizabeth you could give birth at any moment everyone just wants to make sure someone is with you incase things go wrong" Dad said calmly

"I understand that i really do but all i just miss doing simple things without having someone do it for me" I said upset and fed up

"Soon enough you will be able to do simple things again you just need to hang on untill you have your son" Esme said with a small smile

"How are you feeling today Elizabeth?" Carlisle asked as he walked into the livingroom with Jasper beside him

"I feel like a whale!" I said throwing mt head back

"Your not a whale you are my gorgeous, amazing mate and the mother of my son" Jasper said i could her the truth coming off every word

"Do you have any pains in your lower abdomen or your back?" Carlisle asked changing the subject

"Yes both but it's mainly my lower abdomen" I said tiredly

"Are they constant pains or do they come and go?" He asks again

"They come and go every 5 to 10 minutes it's been going on all night i had next to nothing sleep" I said getting very worried looking at Carlisle's now concerned face

"Oh my goodness!" Esme said concerned while dad looks happy and worried

"You my dear are in labour!" Carlisle said in his doctor voice

"I'm sorry what!" I said in shock

"Jasper take her to the medical room and carefully change her into a hospital gown, Esme you know what to do when the kids get back from school and Charlie could you make sure everything in the nursery is ready because by the end of today we will have a baby!" Carlisle ordered cheerfully trying ease my worry that is definitely showing on my face

In a blink of an eyes i am no longer on the couch in the livingroom i am laying on the hospital bed in the medical room with Jasper carefully putting a hospital gown on me this is all happening very fast i don't know what to do or say i am completely frozen once the hospital gown is on Jasper sits next to me on the bed and starts running his finger's through my hair.

"He's comin darlin our son is comin" Jasper said happily

"Please don't leave Jasper" I said in panic

"Never darlin i am staying here till the very end" He said the kissed my forehead



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