- Chapter 3: She's a witch -

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- Elizabeth's Pov -

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- Elizabeth's Pov -

The whole ride home i felt like i was being followed but i had to push that feeling away because i could hear Bella screaming at dad in the cruiser and i wanted to scream back at her for disrespecting him but all i could do was grit my teeth. I just carried on safely following dad because i know that if i got dad to pull over and beat the little brat up dad wouldn't be pleased even if it did make her shut up for a little bit. When dad pulled up to the house i pulled up round the back of the house where the shed is and put my motorbike away aswell as my helmet then i went back into the house and boy do i wish i didn't. As soon as i shut the front door all i could hear is Bella yelling and dad while he sat on his reclining chair with his head in his hands and Ace was beside him with his head on the arm rest of the recliner trying to help dad relax. I could see it wasn't working and seeing him like that made me angry and when i am angry it's not a pretty sight, i storm over to Bella and slammed her against the wall by her neck. Now all you could hear is her back slam against the wall amd her gasp in pain while all the lights in the house started flickering because my magic is reacting to my anger.

"You shut your fucking mouth you self centered bitch! Stop talking and screaming at dad like that, he took you in when he didn't have too but he did and this is how you repay him!. If you carry on i will make you regret it in the worst way possible so you will respect your elders or so help me god! You will be sorry" I yelled in her face as she looks at me with wide fear filled eyes

"Elizabeth put her down, it's okay just put her down" Dad said now standing at the side of me

"No she thinks she can scream at you all the time, can't she see that you are mentally exhausted because of her shit!. Now i am home i will not let her treat you like this no more! You need to treated with respect and love!" I snap through gritted teeth while the lights start to flicker more catching Bella's attention

"Honey you need to calm down, she can't know about you being a witch or about me being a warlock, please put her down honey" Dad whispers to me making me drop her on her ass

"Do you understand what i said Isabella" I snapped one last time

"Y-yes" She gasped out holding he neck

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