- Chapter 23: Movies and Snuggles -

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|Elizabeth's Pov|

I walk down to the kitchen to make some breakfast i might as well make enougu for two for when Jasper gets back from his hunt he needed go and get his weekly blood i feel so rested and energetic after getting rid of the main source of my stress and anxiety yesterday Renèe has finally been delt with and will rot in prison while Bella will live with her biological father finally leaving my dad and me alone i have a feeling she will still try to cause trouble everyone that lives in forks won't take her crap after hearing everything her and Renèe has done they will all stick together and make Bella's life hell which i have no problem with i won't stop them suddenly i am brought out my thoughts when arms wrap around my stomach i know who it is thanks to the sparks his hand moves to my baby bump and he starts caressing it softly and gently.

"Morning darlin, How are you and our little miracle this morning?" Jasper said in my ear still caressing my baby bump

"We are perfect, I feel so relaxed and energetic i didn't even have morning sickness which is great so now i am cooking us something to eat hoping i don't puke it up later" I said as he rests his chin on my shoulder

"I am glad to hear that darlin but i should be cooking for you while you sit your sexy ass down and relax" He said then kissed my cheek

"But i love to cook for you please let me do this for you" I beg while pouting

"Okay but i will cook whatever you want for the rest of today" He said sternly with a slight growl

"That's fine by me plus today all i want to do is sit down and relax with you" I said then turned my head to kiss his cheek only for him to crash his lips onto mine in a love filled kiss

"Now my gorgeous sexy witch what's for breakfast?" He said smirking

"P-Pancake's" I stuttered while blushing

"My favourite i will go let the dogs out while you finish" He said smirking

He kissed my cheek then walked away not before smacking my ass with a smirk which made me squeal in surprise i finished off the pancakes and plated them up making sure to add some chopped fruit then i place the plates on the kicthen island and sit down infront of my plate just as Jasper walks back in with Ace and Forest following he comes over and sits down next to me at the kitchen island we both eat in silence not an uncomfortable silence but a nice relaxing silence.

"I have to back to school tomorrow Esme said i have to keep up appearances" Jasper said suddenly

"But i don't want you to leave me" I said with a pout

"I know darlin but you won't be alone while i am at school you will be staying with Esme and Carlisle so they can keep an eye on you" He said softly and calmly

"But you won't be there, your my comfort my safety net what if something goes wrong and your not there oh god what if something happens to our baby!" I said as i start to panic

"Hey! Darlin i will come home a lunch time to spend that time with you then i will go back and nothing with go wrong because Carlisle is there and he will do everything in his power to keep you and our miracle safe and protected" He said holding my face in his hands

"You promise to come back at lunch and that Carlisle will keep our baby safe?" I asked grabbing a fist full of his shirt

"I promise darlin you are like a daughter to him, you are family and you are carrying his, Esme's and Charlie's grandchild he will not let anything happen" He said with nothing but truth in his voice which calms my panic

"Okay but can you take me to Esme and Carlisle before you go in the morning" I said

"Of course i will i don't want you walking there all by yourself" I said with a smile

"Such a gentleman cowboy" I said with a smirk

"Only for you my darlin" He said with his own smirk

"How about me and you spend the whole day relaxing infront of the tv watching movies with popcorn?" He said still smirking

"Sounds like an amazing day already!" I said excitedly

"Come on then my little witch let's get you comfortable on that couch then we can snuggle" He said as he picks me up bride style



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