- Chapter 6: Always -

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- Elizabeth's Pov -

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- Elizabeth's Pov -

We all sat and talked about our situation which ended up taking a couple hours and in that time me and Jasper agreed that he would move into my cabin so we could get to know each other better. Also i told him my bedroom is out of bounds untill we are officially girlfriend and boyfriend which dad agreed too very quickly making all of us laugh. Then Carlisle and Esme wanted dad to move in with them but dad ended up shut that down quickly saying he couldn't especially with Bella now living with him. He did say as soon as she isn't under his roof he will move in but just not right now which they thankfully understood because i know they don't want to push my dad to do anything he isn't ready to do.

Currently me and dad are eating some delicious food that Esme cooked for us and by god it was the best thing i have ever tasted. We were all having fun and a laugh when suddenly Alice gets sucked into a vision she tells every that Bella is coming here to start a argument with me and dad. Esme quickly takes the dirty dishes in the kicthen then in a blink of a eye she is back in here sitting next to Carlisle who wraps his arm around her. That's when we hear Bella's truck coming down the driveway but the vampire's in the room obviously heard it before me and dad could hear it. Then we hear the truck stop, the truck door slam shut, the front door slam open and heavy footsteps coming towards us. In a matter of minutes Bella is stood infront of all of us looking at me and dad with anger in her eyes and i so badly want to slap that anger off her face because she has nothing to be angry about.

"What the hell are you two doing here, the cullens are mine!!" She yelled in fury and i glare at her for her lack of respect while dad just looked at her void of any emotion which confused me

"Bella they are not something to be owned like a god damn object!" I yelled back

"I don't care they are mine! Jasper is mine!" She yelled again making the vampire's in the room grimace

"We are not yours and never will be bitch!" Rosalie snapped through gritted teeth

"Rose you know that's not true" She said trying to act all sweet

"It's true all right" Jasper said as he glared at Bella

"It's true everyone knows you are all mine! This family will always be mine! Elizabeth get your ugly ass away from my family!" She yelled again making the Cullen's flinch at the loudness

"Bella shut your mouth and stop shouting, you stand there and ask us what we are doing here but the real question is what are you doing here because last time i checked they had a restraining order against you!" I snapped still glaring at her

"Dad won't arrest me he didn't even take me to the station yesterday after i broke the restraining order" she said smugly

"But yesterday i didn't know what i know now" Dad said emotional

"W-what?!" Bella said looking scared

"When were you and Renèe going to tell me?" Dad asked finally showing two emotions anger and hurt

"I-i don't k-know what your on a-about" She stuttered looking like she would rather be anywhere but here

"Your not my daughter Isabella you never were, you and Renèe lied to me just to get my money!" Dad yelled out in complete anger

"What the fuck!!!" I yelled out making the Cullen's hiss lowly thankfully it was that low Bella wouldn't have heared it but i whisper a quick sorry

"I knew something wasn't right especially with your behaviour so i did a dna test and found out you are not my daughter and never was you are my god damn childhood friend waylon's daughter, how could you both lie to me and use me for money!!" Dad snapped out coldly

"What!!!!!" I yell at the same time as the Cullen's

"So now that is said it's time for me to do what i should have done yesterday" Dad said standing up then stormed towards her then i watch as he handcuffed her saying the police caution making her cry

"No please!" Bella cried but it fell on deaf ears

"Elizabeth will you be okay while i take Bella to the station?" Dad asked looking at me worriedly as he holds Bella's handcuffed hands in his but i was to shocked to say anything

"Stay here until i come back you can not go back to your cabin while you are like this" Dad said sternly after seeing how shocked i am

"We will watch her Charlie and if needs be she can spend the night here" Esme said looking at me concerned

"Chief go we will watch her, please trust us you while you take Bella to the station" Rosalie said getting up and sitting down next to me pulling her into my arms

I watch as dad dragged a crying Bella out of the house and i can't believe it, the girl i have always thought was my half sister isn't my sister at all. I had a gut feeling this whole time that Renèe only lied to break dad and my mum up so she could wiggle herself in and take dad's money. After hearing this i hope Bella gets years of prison time for all the things she has done, she is no longer my sister and she is just dirt at the bottom of my shoe!.

"Darlin do you want to get some sleep since you have had such a shock, Do you want me to carry you?" Jasper said and asked now kneeling infront of me

"Y-yes please" I stutter still in shock, he stands up then picks me up so he is carrying me bridle style making me tense

"Trust me darlin" He whispers in my ear

"A-always" I stutter resting my head on his shoulder



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