- Chapter 8: Letting it all out -

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- Elizabeth's Pov -

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- Elizabeth's Pov -

I thought waiting for dad with Carlisle would be awkward but it wasn't, i was nervous at the beginning but Carlisle noticed that and he disappeared then came back with two books in his hand one looked really old and the other was a medical book. He gave me the old book saying it was his journal that he had wrote everything he knew about cold ones in it and he thought i could learn more about their kind while we waited. After the first couple of pages i couldn't find the will to put it down and i could hear Carlisle's chuckles everytime i turned a page, i read all about their laws and even about human blood drinkers they sound ruthless. When i read about the king's i have to keep my face neutral and stop myself from smiling Carlisle has everything wrong about the king's they are not cold heartless monster's they are polite, kind hearted vampire's which is rare for human drinkers.

I have no idea how long i have been reading Carlisle's journal but soon enough i hear the front door open and someone walk up the stairs towards us. Then out of nowhere Forest runs in and jumps on my lap making me drop the journal on the floor, he starts licking my face making me squeal and shout ew. It doesn't take long for him to calm down and when he does he presses his nose on my forehead as his usual greeting which he has always done that since he was a puppy.

"My baby!" I squeal as i wrap my arms around him

"Thank you for watching her Carlisle" Dad said with a smile

"Dadddddd i am not a baby!" I whine as Forest jumped off my lap and sat by my feet looking at Carlisle

"You will always be my baby Elizabeth" Dad said smiling at me

"I'm back!!" Esme yells from downstairs making me jump which makes forest growl

"Forest stop, it's okay" I said stopping his protective instincts instantly

"Friendly Forest, their friendly" Dad added the code word for not a threat which calms Forest down further

Before i could say anything else there is a blurr flashing around the room placing candles everywhere in the livingroom and there all alight. I know it's Esme vamp speeding around so i don't panic infact i just place my hand on Forests head to keep him calm. Once she is done she sits down next to Carlisle while looking at me and i take a couple deep breaths enjoying the smell of lavender.

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