- Chapter 19: Be Careful! -

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|Elizabeth's Pov|

Jasper holds my hand as we all walk downstairs to the front door no-one dares to day anything Carlisle opened the front door only for us to see Renèe and Bella stood in the middle of the road when Renèe sees dad she smirks i grab dads hand and link our fingers together this bitch is not going to hurt my dad anymore i walk outside and stop on the driveway with dad and Jasper either side of me while the rest of the Cullen's stood behind us.

"What do you want" I said coldly

"I want Charlie and Bella wants Jasper they belong to us" Renèe said smirking

"They belong to no-one they are their own person" I said rolling my eyes

"I am with Elizabeth she is my gorgeous girlfriend why the hell would i want to be with Bella she is flat as a board and self obsessed all she does is stalk me and my family she can stay the fuck away from me" Jasper said his southern accent very very strong with how angry he is

"And i don't want you Renèe i never did and never will i am seeing someone who i am very happy with so you need to leave or i will press charges this has gone on far to long i won't let you or Bella hurt me and Elizabeth anymore this stops now!" Dad yelled angrily i squeeze his hand

"Dad is right this is your last chance Renèe and yours too Bella leave us the hell alone because if you don't things will not be pretty" I said coldly making them flinch

"NOOOO JASPER YOUR MY BOYFRIEND!!!" Bella screamed making all the cullen family flinch from the loudness

"He. Is. Not. Your. Boyfriend!" I said each word through gritted teeth

"Now, Now Charlie we both now you are to chicken to go to the police and you have no evidence i have all of the evidence, pictures and documents at my home in phoenix so why don't you come over here and give me a kiss you wouldn't want little Elizabeth to get hurt now would you" Renèe said smirking as she said every word dad's grip on my hand tightened

"Talk to my dad like that again and i will gladly beat your ass you will pay for what you have done to dad! Stay the hell away from my dad this is your last warning" I yell making the ground shake

"Leave Renèe and take your daughter with you, You both are not welcome at my house hell you aren't even welcome in forks everyone doesn't want you here" Dad said calmly but i know he is anything but calm

"This isn't over" Renèe said smugly

"Leave before i call the police you are trespassing" Jasper said coldly

"I am not leaving until Charlie comes back to me i want him to be in my bed begging for me to stop after all that is where he belongs" Renèe said smirking

"Oh fuck, sweetheart don't!" Dad said panicking

But i didnt listen because ladys and gentlemen i snapped hearing her say that about dad brought out a all new rage inside of me in a blink of an eye i teleported infront of her and punched her right in the nose with so much force she landed know her ass on the muddy ground Bella screamed at what i did but i don't care i grabbed Renèe by her shirt and slammed her up against the nearest tree one hand held her up while i punched her continously everywhere i could land one i didn't stop even though she screamed and begged me too all i could see was red this bitch hurt my dad constantly and now i will make her pay for it i am going to take everything from her.

"Elizabeth Autumn Swan stop this your going to kill her!"

I hear dad yell snapping me out my rage i dropped a now bloody unconscious beaten Renèe to the floor then teleport infront of dad he holds my face in his hands and wipes under my eyes with his thumbs i didn't even realise i was crying he kisses my forehead then moves me over to Jasper her wraps his arms around me crushing me to his chest

"Tell Renèe when she wakes up that this is your last warning leave us alone if you don't we are going to make you both pay by taking everything you have leaving you with nothing now get out of here!" Dad said coldly shocking me how cold his voice is

Jasper sweeps me up into his arms and runs me inside at human pace everyone else is following us making sure the lock the front door which leaves Bella outside alone to pick up a unconscious Renèe by herself when we all get back into the livingroom Jasper sits on our love seat and sits me down on his lap while everyone else sits around not saying anything tears gather in my eyes when i remembered what Renèe said 'I have all of the evidence, pictures and documents at my home in phoenix' Before i do the memory wipe i will have to do a spell to get all that evidence in my possession so i can press charges.

"Elizabeth you one badass witch!" Emmett said breaking the silence Rosalie just smacks him of the back of his head

"Elizabeth i am proud of you for keeping your anger under control for as long as you did but sweetheart you could have killed her you can't let her get to you like that" Dad said sounding exhausted and emotional

"I would beat that bitch again without thinking twice about it and how can not let her get to me she hurt you in the worse way possible i am going to enjoy making her pay! She tried killing mum, Tried killing me, She raped you multiple times and she got her bitch of a daughter to beat me knowing i wouldn't fight back! If you didn't stop me i would have killed her!" I yelled angrily not caring about anything

"Elizabeth Autumn you will not kill her we will make her pay for everything but first you need to calm down so we can come up with a plan and we can't do that while your angry" He said sighing

"Honey can Carlisle check you hands?" Esme said changing the subject just hearing her sweet motherly voice calms me down a little

"Yes but please be careful i think i might have broken something with how hard i punched that bitch" I said giving her a small smile

Before Carlisle can even get up i use my power's to conjure his medical bag into his lap he let's out a startled yelp making us all laugh at him he stands up shaking his head at me with a small smile when he passes Esme and dad he gives them a quick kiss when he is infront of me he kneels on the floor and starts doing his doctor thing.

"What is the plan then Charlie" Edward asked curiously

"Before Elizabeth does the memory wipe spell i think she should compel Renèe to tell us everything she has done to me, Elizabeth and Autumn but it won't just be us hearing it the police will be there to hear it too once she is arrested Elizabeth will do the spell to get all the evidence from Renèe's place in pheonix when Renèe is in police custody Elizabeth will do the memory wipe" Dad said is plan makes perfect sense to be honest

"How long do you think it would take for Renèe and Bella to start something again? Ouch shit!" I said just as Carlisle started to move my fingers making me scream in pain

"I give them a week" Dad said shaking his head looking stressed and worried

"Sorry about that honey and you have broken three fingers and sprained your wrist" Carlisle said as Jasper growls at him

"Be careful!" Jasper growls at him



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