-Chapter 27 : Do you understand!! -

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- Elizabeth's Pov -

I see everyone in the cafeteria tense as the footsteps get closer and closer Jasper's hands hold onto to my hips tightly but gently at the same time i know his instincts to protect me and our baby is high right now so Bella better not do anything stupid because i know for certain i will not be beating her ass today it will either be Rosalie or Alice that will do it for me the footsteps stop behind me and Jasper i could see everyone at the table glare behind me making me smirk this bitch isn't going to be humiliated by me oh no she is going to be humiliated by everyone else.

"Jasper why is the whore sat on your lap?" I hear Bella ask behind us

"Your one to talk your mum is the whore and rapist! No-one wants you here bitch" Someone yelled making the whole cafeteria shout out their agreements

"Shut the hell up!" Bella yelled at the same time as i heard her step closer to me and Jasper

"Bitch step away from them we won't let you hurt another Swan family member!" Someone else yelled

"What is wrong with you people that is the whore of forks look at her she is pregnant to pregnant for that baby to be Jasper's! Jasper is my boyfriend she is a home wreaker!" Bella yelled out angrily

"Oh my god! Seriously pregnancies are different for anyone some women show much earlier and some women don't show at all god you really are stupid and everyone knows Jasper is with Elizabeth that baby is definitely his they are completely in love with each other everyone can see it so get your jealous, selfish no good ass away from them!" A teacher yelled shocking us all

"You are your mum are the whore's! All you want is cock and money not caring who you hurt in the process while Elizabeth there only wants people to be happy and kind to each other she is what holds everyone in forks together just like her mum helded us all together your the reason everyone in forks lost their friend, aunt, sister, mother figure you need to get the hell out of forks your not wanted here anymore!!" A boy yelled from the far end of the cafeteria

I knew he was right my mum was close to everyone in Forks she had a close bond with everyone here and when she died everyone mourned i couldn't walk down the street without seeing someone crying for weeks even months she wasn't just my mum she was like a friend to the visiting family members, a aunt to most kids, sister to most the adults and most importantly she was like a mother figure to most the kids that lost their own mother i am cut out my thoughts when my hair suddenly gets pulled my head snaps backwards with a crack it hurt just a little bit but thank god Jasper had hold of me because i know if he didn't i would have got pulled out the chair and feel to the floor that would have definitely hurt me and maybe hurt the baby which would have set Jasper off and that would not be the best thing to happen i see Alice jump up out he seat and run behind me i turn in Jasper's lap so i am straddling him i make sure to leave enough space for nt baby bump then look over Jasper's shoulder and gasp at what i see Alice is hold Bella in the air by her throat

"Lay one more hand on my sister and you will get the beating of a life time not by Elizabeth oh no she won't fight while she is pregnant with niece or nephew that honour will go to me or Rosalie!" Alice spat in her face with anger lacing every word

"And we won't stop her! I might even land a punch or two!" A girl yelled from a couple tables over to the right

"Do you understand!" Alice spat

"Y-yes i u-understand" Bella choked out Alice dropped her to the floor them come to Jasper and crouched down and looked at me concerned

"Are you and the baby okay Lizzy?" She asked concern laced her words

"We are fine my neck cracked but i am fine and the baby is moving around i promise we are okay" I said truthfully

"Come on let's take you to Esme classes ate about to start again" Emmett said sounding worried

Jasper stands up causing me to wrap my legs around his waist i push myself back abit not wanting to squish the baby bump between us then we all walk out the cafeteria leaving a crying Bella on the floor for the whole school to do as they please with her i put my head in the crook of Jasper's neck enjoying being in his arms it didn't take long to get outside and over to Esme's car Jasper tried sit me down in the car but i just held on tighter not wanting to be apart from him

"Darlin i will be home soon you need to get back so Carlisle can check you incase Bella has set the growth to accelerate again" He said calmly

"Promise to come home as fast as you can" I ask knowing i won't get out of this

"I promise darlin now get your sexy ass home and dont forget to text me so i know how our little one is doing" He said smirking

"Okay i love you" I asked knowing he is right about all this Carlisle has to check me and the baby thanks to Bella again

"I love you too darlin" He said then kisses me passionately

"Jasper shut the door we have to go Carlisle is waiting!" Esme said urgently and worriedly

Jasper kisses me one more time then buckles me in and shuts the door he doesn't go inside he stands there i keep my eyes locked with his as Esme pulls out the parking spot and drives away soon enough he is out of sight i slump down in the seat hoping that Bella hasn't set off another growth acceleration.



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