- Chapter 24: The Pack -

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|Elizabeth's Pov|

We have been watching movies for hours now it's nice to finally be able to snuggle and relax with Jasper laying in his arms is all i have wanted to do since i got with him but there was just to much drama going on to be able to do it but now we can do this anytime we like and i am loving it i feel so safe and loved right now with his arms wrapped around me and my head on his chest but our little snuggles and movie time had to end because suddenly the front door gets slammed open by Emmett who looks panicked Jasper immediately jumps up and stands infront of me protectively

"Emmett what's wrong!" I said worriedly

"The pack has called a meeting, Jacob told Sam about Bella asking strange and how she is living with Waylon now they want to know what happened!" He said frantically

"Fuck!" Jasper hissed

"When is the meeting?" I asked reluctantly getting of the couch and wrapping my arms around Jasper to calm him down

"Now! The meeting is now! Carlisle told them you couldn't come Jasper by telling them you found your mate but they just told us to make sure your there and if you need to bring your mate then bring her" He said sounding more worried

"She is pregnant Emmett she can't come they might hurt her or worse kill her when they see she is pregnant!" Jasper hissed i pushed his head into the crook of my neck calming him down

"Jasper we will be safe i promise because i will put a protective spell over me and our little miracle i will also stay by your side at all times" I said running my fingers through his golden hair

"Okay let's go, Emmett is the rest of the family there already?" Jasper said and asked

"Yes they told me to come and get you do we can meet them there" He said still looking at me worriedly

Jasper picks me up bridle style this time i didn't squeal in surprise he has done this that many times i don't even get surprised anymore plus i couldn't walk on my own because i wouldn't be able to keep up with their vamp speed Emmett and Jasper communicate through their eyes for a couple seconds then they run as soon as the wind his me full force in the face i bury my head in Jasper's neck it wasn't long till he stopped running i keep my head in Jasper's neck not want to look up just yet because the suddenly stop of Jasper's running literally took my breath away.

"Are you okay honey" I hear Esme ask beside Jasper

"Sudden stop" I said breathing heavily

"Jasper you need to be more careful you idiot!" Rosalie hissed making me lift my head out Jaspers neck to glare at her

"Who is that?" I hear the familiar voice of Jacob what the hell is he doing here

"Jacob?" I ask as i turn my head and look at him only to see all of my old friend's infront of me they the hell are they here.

"Elizabeth" He gasped in shock

"He is a shape-shifter Eli the Quileute tribe story's are true" Edward said as he walked over and stood beside Esme

"Hey! You aren't supposed to tell people!" Paul yelled as he starts to shake

"I am allowed to know you see i apart of the supernatural world i am a witch who is mated to a vampire i am also pregnant with a hybrid baby and if you even think about threatening to kill our baby i will make you regret it, Our baby is not a threat if you want to know what is wrong with Bella then you need to shut your mouth and be nice to my family if not you will get told nothing we will leave" I said getting angry which makes the ground tremble showing how angry i am getting

"Sorry about them we promise not to threaten your baby if you promise there's no threat and please tell us about Bella?" Sam asked curiously

"You have my word that the baby is not a threat i have check Elizabeth over myself" Carlisle said calmly

That when i jumped in and explained everything that happened with Renèe and Bella while still in Jaspers arms they all keenly listened not wanting to miss anything Jasper put his head in my neck when i told them about me using my magic to get Renèe arrested i raised my hand and ran mt fingers through his hair trying to keep him calm as i continue to tell them the rest the end of my explanation all of the pack were shaking

"They did what!!" Jacob yelled exploded

"Thank you for doing what you did to keep your family's secret and from stopping Bella before she could have found out our secret, I want to put our differences aside because one we are both supernatural beings, two we all want to live our lives in peace, three we need to work together to keeps forks and La push safe while your still here and four you have two none vampire coven members who can come in to la push anytime they will and would be protected by us always but the treaty will still stay in place i am sick of us fighting over the fact we are different when you have proven you are no threat to us so you should not be treated like a threat" Sam said calmly yet seriously

"You would do that?" Carlisle asked surprised

"I am alpha i can do anything but i have to talk to the tribes elders for it to be final" Sam said with a small smile

"Thank you Sam i mean it thank you for doing this Elizabeth is everything to me and so is our little miracle is anything happens to her i don't know what i would do she is my life line so thankk you" Jasper said shocking all the people infront of me

"No need to thank me Jasper if having a mate is like having a imprint i know how you feel just keep her safe that side and we will keep her safe this side if she comes over" He said just as i start to feel dizzy i even start to see double of everything something is wrong i place my hand on my baby bump scared that something is wrong with our baby.

"J-Jasper" I whimper

"Darling what's wrong" He said panicking

"I feel d-dizzy and i'm s-seeing double of e-everything" I whimper and stutter

"We have to leave!" Jasper said urgently

"Edward run fast and get her some blood! Jasper get her to our house quickly we will be behind you! Go now!" Carlisle said worriedly



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