- Chapter 18: Not to mess with us -

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|Elizabeth's Pov|

I wake up hearing birds singing i roll over only to headbutt something i open my eyes and see that i headbutted Jasper's naked chest that's when i blush when i remember everything that happened yesterday i completely gave myself to jasper, my mate he is definitely everything i have ever wanted and more i feel him chest move at the same time i hear him chuckle i look up and see him already awake and watching me with a smirk.

"Morning darlin" He said smirking

"Morning Jas" I said with a blush

"Darlin sit up but keep your eyes on me i have one more surprise for you" He said still smirking

I do what he said without question not taking my eyes of him once when my back is against the headboard he places his hand over my eyes seconds later i feel something places on my lap then he removed his hand i look down at my lap and see a tray of croissant's, Pot of coffee ,Cup of coffee, Jar of jam and Bowl of strawberries i look up and Jasper with wide eyed this is the first time i have ever had breakfast in bed and my mate did it all for me which has made it so special!

"Oh my thank you Jas!" I said happily

"You had a long day yesterday and a long night so your deserve breakfast in bed" He said then kissed my forehead

"Come on we can share it" I said then pecked his lips

That's what we did we sat there in bed and ate the breakfast together in a peaceful silence when we finished eating we layed down and just cuddled enjoying the peace well the peace didn't last long because Jasper's phone started to beep constantly he picks it up and smiles while chuckling

"It's Esme she is begging me to take you to the house she said she misses us and wants to see us" He said chuckling

"Then let's get up we can't keep her waiting" I said

"That means i have to shareeeee" He whines

"Oh hush Jas would it make you feel better if sit on your lap the whole time" I said teasingly

"Oh it would make me feel soo much better darlin" He said his voice deeper and husky

"Get your sexy ass out of my bed or i won't be sitting on your lap" I said with a wink as i climb out of bed

In a blink of an eye he was out of bed carrying me bridle style into the bathroom where we shared a shower and kissed alot after about an hour we finished in the shower i got out before Jasper and went to my walk in closet to get dressed (Outfit above) When i finished putting my hair into a messy bun i went downstairs where i find jasper already waiting for me he sweeps me up into his arms then vamp speeds me out my cabin i flick my wrist locking the front door just in time i lay my head on his chest in no time we are walking into the cullen house.

"Lizzy!" Alice squeals as soon as Jasper walks into the livingroom

"Hey pixie" I said as jasper sits down on the couch next to her and sits me on his lap

"Oh my goodness what is that on your neck!" Rosalie gasps looking at my neck which makes me blush

"The mate mark" Jasper said smirking i hide my face in his neck

"You completed the bond!" Alice, Esme and Rosalie squeal

"Yes we did" Jasper said happily

"Why didn't she turn?" Edward asked sounding confused

"Erm i don't know actually" Jasper said sounding confused too

"Me and dad are already immortal we can not be fully turned into a vampire the only thing Jasper's venom did was give me vamp hearing, speed and strength" I mumbled into Jasper's neck knowing they will all hear me

"Wait really!?" Emmett said excitedly

"Yes really, After Auntum died i didn't want to loose Elizabeth and Elizabeth didn't want to loose me so we both did a spell and now we are immortal" Dad said with a chuckle as i move my head out of Jasper's neck and rest it on his chest

"Wow you both are really powerful" Carlisle said smiling

"Yes that's the reason we hide who we are because we don't want to be used for our power" I said with a small smile knowing they will all understand i suddenly hear a car pull up outside and doors slamming

"Someone is here" Jasper said making me tense up

"Who?" I asked still tense

"Bella" He growled out

"And someone is with her" Rosalie hissed out

"Shit dad do you think-"

"Yes i think she is here, I promise i won't let her get near you sweetheart" Dad said cutting me off

"Please tell us it isn't who we think it might be" Esme hissed sounding very angry

"Renèe" Me and dad said in unison

"Charlie! Elizabeth! Get out here now!" I hear the all to familiar voice of Renèe shout

"Shit!" I said looking at dad worriedly

"Charlie how are we going to do this?" Jasper asked then kissed mt forehead which effectively calmed me down

"We start Elizabeth's plan" Dad said with a reassuring smile

"Let's do this" Emmett said cracking his knuckles

"Emmett if anyone is beating their asses it's us girls no man or boy should ever hit a women or girl" I said coldly

"Yes ma'am" He said with a gulp

"Time to show this bitch not to mess with us dad" I said smirking at him



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