- Chapter 11: On it sister -

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- Elizabeth's Pov -

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- Elizabeth's Pov -

Me and dad spent the next hour explaining that they are still have their strength, speed and will still need to drink blood but they will only need to do it once a week instead of doing it every other say then we explained they cane not eat, drink, use the toilet obviously, they will be able to go out in the sun and have their original eye colour if they wear the bracelets and rings there were alot of happy tears from Alice, Rosalie and Esme yes actual tears no dry sobbing for them anymore Once we finished explaining everything Esme vamp speeds into the kitchen and starts making food and drinks for everyone Rosalie and Alice drag me outside with Ace and Forest following us when we get outside my dogs run around play fighting while we lay on the grass with them laying either side of me we just lay down soaking in the sun they both have smiles on their faces.

"Thank you for this Elizabeth we will forever be grateful" Alice said looking up at the sky while holding my hand

"Alice is right we will be forever grateful you made it possible for us to have simple human experiences again" Rosalie said a lone tear rolling down her cheek

"You guys deserve this you are my family now and you never know i might find more spells in mine and dad's grimoire's i will give you every human experience i can possible give all of you" I said raising mt hand to wipe away the lone tear with a smile on my face

They didn't say anything else i just layed there holding their hands and relaxed i have no idea how long we were layed there for but Esme ended up calling us in for some food Rosalie and Alice vamp speeds inside in excitement while leaving me behind i didn't mind though i walk inside with my dogs by my side and go straight to the kitchen where i see the dining table full of different foods and drinks everyone else is already sat there next to their mates eating away with smiles on their faces i see a empty seat next to Jasper so i sit in that one and eat with them all watching their faces light up everytime they eat a different food on the table it was funny when Emmett finally ate his burger he jumped up sending his chair flying backwards and he started doing a happy dance while chewing watching him made everyone laugh when we all finished eating we just sat here sipping on our different drinks.

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