- Epilogue: 30 years later -

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|Elizabeth's Pov|

I stand on our bedroom balcony with my hands on the railings and look out towards to ocean it has been 30 long years since the day i gave birth to Elliott and said yes to marrying Jasper it was and still is the most amazing day of my life a year after Elliott was born me and dad did a spell to make us immortal and that was the best decision i ever made because now i get to live the rest if eternity with Jasper and my family then when Elliott was two years old me and Jasper got married i didnt just have dad walk me down the aisle i had dad, Carlisle and Elliott walk me to my mate, my husband, my major that day was added onto my amazing day list but that day got better because i had a surprise for Jasper and Elliott i was pregnant on our wedding day Jasper was going to be a father again and Elliott was going to be a big brother 9 months later Ellie Jasmine Whitlock-Hale was born our little girl Jasper's princess but she wasn't our last child oh no a year later i got pregnant again but this time i was pregnant with triplets two boys and a girl their names are Emerson Carlisle, Evan Charlie and Eva Esme we didn't have anymore children for atleast 6 years in those years we left forks and moved to an Island Jasper brought just for our family that's when i got pregnant again with another girl Rose Jacqueline during her birth i had some complications and now i can't get pregnant again but that didn't bother me and Jasper because we have all the kids we want.

Esme, Carlisle and Dad are going incredibly strong they got married when Elliott was 6 years old that night dad did a spell and that's when my twin brother and sister were born Arthur Cullen and Charlotte Cullen they are amazing and so powerful when they turned 25 they did also did a spell to stop aging so now everyone we meet think they are my older siblings with always makes me laugh Dad didn't do the spell again he, Esme and Carlisle all agreed to wait for a while not wanting to rush as they have eternity together which made me respect them alot i started to call Esme and Carlisle mama and papa after they got married to dad it just felt right.

20 years ago we have a horrible fright involving the Volturi it happened because a vampire saw us with the kids and thought we were creating immortal children and reported us to the Volturi thankfully one of Jasper's friends called Peter told us what was going to happen so we all went to the volturi and proved to them our kids are not immortal and since then they have left us alone they do check in every so often to make sure we are all okay i always thought one of them maybe one of my children's mate because everytime they ring i hear a extra person with them and i was right Felix and Ellie are mate's, Elliott and Jane are mate's, Demetri and Eva are mate's then there's Alec and Rose they are mate's the volturi guards couldn't leave because they are the king's guards so Ellie, Eva, Elliott and Rose left to live with the Volturi they come and visit every chance they got.

"Darlin what's going on inside that gorgeous head of yours" Jasper asked from behind me bring me out my thoughts he wraps his arms around me waist and rest his chin on my shoulder

"Just thinking over everything that has happened over the past 30 years" I said leaning back into his chest

"We had the most incredible 30 years and we will have many more years together i love you Elizabeth Autumn Whitlock-Hale" He said lovingly

"To many more years together I love you too Jasper Whitlock-Hale" I said back and kissed him

My name is Elizabeth Autumn Whitlock-Hale and i can not wait to see what is waiting for me, Jasper and our family!



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