- Chapter 30: Everything is perfect -

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- Jasper's Pov -

We have been in the medical room for a couple of hours now Elizabeth is having contraction after contraction she hasn't screamed in pain once she just squeezes my hand and cusses me out but i stay calm and say sweet nothings to her helping to keep her calm i am also trying to keep myself calm because once our son is born i am going to do something and i hope Elizabeth says the one word i have been dreaming she will say but what i want right now is for my son to make a safe appearance Carlisle has been here the whole time checking to make sure everything is going okay Major has tried to push through a couple times when Carlisle checked how dilated Elizabeth is he doesn't want Carlisle down there and to be honest i don't either but i also know that Carlisle is only doing it to bring our son into the world safely.

"You did this to me Jasper! If you ever put that thing anywhere near me again i will chop it off!" Elizabeth yelled bring me out my thoughts

"Darlin i didn't do it alone we did this together and now we are having a son who we are going to love and cherish for forever" I said running my fingers through her hair

"Damn it! Why are you always right!!" She yells out squeezing my hand

"Elizabeth it's time to push when you get the next contraction you need to take a deep breath and push as hard as you can till i tell you to stop it's time for you to meet your son" Carlisle said happily

"I can't do it! I can't it hurts to much!" She said shaking her head side to side

"Darlin you can do this you are strong so strong if you do this our son will be here and you can finally hold him in your arms squeeze my hand darlin and bring our son into the world, i know you can do this you are strong" I said then kiss her forehead

"I can do this for our son" She said nodding her head

She squeezes my hand and let's out a little whimper and i know she is getting another contraction i kiss her forehead wanting to give her abit of comfort she puts her chin to her chest as she starts pushing i could hear Carlisle counting along i didn't look his way once all of my attention is on Elizabeth so she knows i am here for her she continues to push a couple more times untill all that is heard in the room is a baby's cry and Elizabeth's panting Carlisle stands up with a my son in his arms he signals me over he hands me a pair of scissors i put the umbilical cord then he places my son in my arms i go over to the other side of the room to clean up my little son and put him in a very special vest so he can meet his mummy Carlisle comes over and hands me the other thing i will need for this surprise my nerves start to grow

She squeezes my hand and let's out a little whimper and i know she is getting another contraction i kiss her forehead wanting to give her abit of comfort she puts her chin to her chest as she starts pushing i could hear Carlisle counting along i d...

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