- Chapter 4: Let's show them sweetheart!? -

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- Elizabeth's Pov -

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- Elizabeth's Pov -

I wake up thanks to the sun shining on my face, i open my eyes and see my curtains and my window are open which made me frown because i swear i definitely closed them last night. I shake my head as climb out of bed and i groan as i flick my hand using my magic to close the window with a bang then i go into my ensuite. I have a nice warm shower to relax my muscles because after spending all night unpacking everything they are terribly sore since i refused to use my magic to unpack. After a couple hours i reluctantly get out the shower and get dressed then i do my hair ready to fight whatever today has to throw at me (Outfit above). Once i'm done doing my hair i quickly make my bed and put my dirty clothes in the laundry basket then go downstairs to the kitchen. Where i let Ace out back to do his morning business while i eat some breakfast because i don't want to eat while Ace whines at the door to be let out. Just as i was about to drink my coffee the front door swings open and in walks my very angry dad who doesn't say anything, he just storms over to me. He grabs my coffee with one hand and grabs my arm with the other then he proceeds to drag me to the livingroom all the while still not saying anything. I know someone or something must have upset him and i also know he isn't going to hurt me because he would never hurt me no matter how angry he got. So i let him drag me and when we get to the livingroom he pushes me down on to the couch and hands me my coffee then he drops down on the couch beside me.

"Dad what's wrong?" I ask worriedly because he is never normally like this

"Do you remember what i told you about the Cullen's?" He asked with his head in his hands

"Yeah, You told me two years ago that they are vegetarian vampire's who have a treaty with the Quileute tribe in la push" I said confused

"Good this would be easier to say now that i know you remember, Carlisle the coven leader rang me last night and he proceeded to tell me that he wants to meet us, They don't know that we already know about them being vampire's so i had to act clueless, be be ready for anything sweetheart" He said concerned

"They want a meeting with us butwhy?, has it got something to do with yesterday because i did feel a pull towards them yesterday" I said worriedly

"You felt a pull!? Did it feel like what me and your mum told you a mate pull would feel like!?" He asked frantically

"Yes it felt exactly how you and mum described it but i don't know which Cullen i felt it for because i wasn't paying much attention" I said looking down at my hands

"This must be why they wanted to see us they are going to tell us about themselves being vampire's and from what i remember our friends telling me about vampire's, your mate being the protective male he is must have followed you back to my house to make sure you were safe. Which means he must have heard everything that happened, That means he knows about us being a witch and warlock, we definitely need to be ready to defend ourselves since we don't know who the Cullen's will react to having magical beings on or near their land" He said looking less worried more concerned

"My window was open this morning dad, oh my god he must have come inside my cabin!" I said horrified

"That's it we are going to their house now before your mate crosses anymore lines, he's not breaking into my daughters cabin again!" He said angrily jumping off the couch

"Can we bring Ace?" I asked feeling anxious

"Yes sweetheart i know he helps you feel at ease and helps keep your witch side under control" He said calming down instantly after picking up on my anxiousness

Dad gets Ace ready then walks out the door with me following behind him making sure to grab my handbag on the cabinet by the door. I dont bother getting my keys because i don't need them for anything, i walk out the front door while doing a silent spell locking it behind me. Then i go straight to dad's cruiser climbing in to sit on the front passenger seat while feeling my anxiety rise and dad magic must have sensed my anxiousness because he leans over and buckles me in. When he sees my hands shaking he kisses my head as i say a quick thank you then he starts to drive and i turn sideways in the seat then reach behind me for Ace. Who places his head in my hand helping me calm down and i can see dad looking at me worried because he knows me meeting other supernatural beings causes me to get anxious. But he knows everytime i get infront of those supernatural beings i change completely and be the badass witch i am thanks to dad raising me to not let them bother me. He raised me like that because the Swan bloodline is the strongest in the magic world so me and dad are the strongest witch and warlock out there.

"I am fine dad you know as soon as i get there i will be the badass witch you raised me to be" I said trying to ease his worry

"I know, I just hate seeing my little witch getting anxious" He said not taking his eyes of the road but his hands do tighten on the steering wheel

"Dad what are we!" I said with a smile because we always say this when we meet other supernatural beings but normally he says what i just said first

"We are the strongest witch and warlock, We are badass" He said with a smile as he relaxed his hold on the poor steering wheel

"Then let's show these vampire's that!" I said strongly as my anxiety washed away

"Let's show them sweetheart" He said back with a smirk on his face



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