- Chapter 21: Everyting went black -

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|Elizabeth's Pov|

Carlisle's word's must have sunk in because in a blink of an eye Esme was gone and i started to hear things being moved around in the kicthen indicating she is in the kitchen, Emmett suddenly disappeared then came back with a blanket which he wrapped around me and kissed my forehead which resulted in Jasper growling at him, Rosalie got up and passed me a car magazine and a note pad with a small smile on her face then she sat back down next to Emmett i know why she gave me the magazine and note pad she wants me to help her order things for her next car project.

"We will go get some blood just incase" Alice said standing up with Edward beside her

"Any preferences?" Edward asked jokingly

"Whatever Jasper normally hunts for will be fine" I said slowly coming out my shock

"Just drain a little she may not need it" Carlisle said sternly

"Okay one mountain lion coming up!" Alice said cheerfully then she disappeared with Edward not far behind

"Elizabeth you know that this means you may not be strong enough to do the spells" Dad said looking worried

"Dad the baby is a hybrid they have magic just like us i will be alittle stronger with their magic connected to mine plus if it gets to much we can hold hands and do the spells together we are not changing the plan i want that bitch to rot in jail for what she did to you!" I snap out tears gathering in my eyes damn it hormones are already in play

"I'm so sorry" I muttered

"Don't be sorry you have nothing to be sorry for but one thing is for certain you are going to be taking this easy for now until we finish this plan you need to save you energy for the spells" Dad said looking concerned

Just as i am about to say something Alice appears out of nowhere making me jump in fright she has this far away look in her eyes she snaps out of looking panicked she grabs her phone then walks out while ringing someone Edward then appears making me squeal in fright god i am still not used to all the vamp speed.

"Alice had a vision Renèe and Bella are going to be here today she saw them coming in about 30 minutes infact her vision was stronger and more informative then it normally is, Alice is now ringing the police to come here aa soon as they can" Edward said looking worried and panicked

"They can not even leave us alone for one god damn day!" I yell in anger making all the lights start to flicker

"Darlin calm down think of our baby" Jasper says in my ear

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