- Chapter 9: Yes ma'am -

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- Jasper's Pov -

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- Jasper's Pov -

I watched as Elizabeth collapsed and i had no idea what was going on but i'm glad Alice rushed us out of school to come home after she had a vision. I want to know what happened but i'm not going to ask my family or Charlie, i will ask Elizabeth when she regains consciousness. Right now i need to make sure my mate is looked after like the princess she is, i vamp speed over to Elizabeth and pick her up holding her bride style then walk at human pace into the house and upnto the livingroom. I lay her down on the couch ignoring my family and Ace who have followed me with a dog i have never seen who follows him, the unknown dog lays ontop of Elizabeth putting their head on her chest and starts whining. While Ace sits on the floor next to where Elizabeth's head is layed on the couch and pushes his wet nose against her, that's when it hits me the new dog must be Forest Elizabeth's emotional support dog.

 While Ace sits on the floor next to where Elizabeth's head is layed on the couch and pushes his wet nose against her, that's when it hits me the new dog must be Forest Elizabeth's emotional support dog

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He is definitely a australian shepherd and a well trained one at that, he is giving her comfort even though she is unconscious, he wants to make sure his owner is comfortable. I watch as Charlie comes over and pets both Forest and Ace which calms them both down straight away, Charlie sits down and my family does the same. They sit all around the livingroom not taking their concerned filled eyes off my mate, i pick Elizabeth's head up then sit down where her head once was and place her head on my lap. Then inrun my fingers through her hair wanting to give her a little extra comfort i know she needs as we all just sit here in silence.

"What happened?" Rosalie asked breaking the silence

"I told Esme and Carlisle my past and Elizabeth did the same which made Elizabeth's emotions spiral. So she had to regain control over her emotions or she would loose control over her magic. What you saw was the only way she can regain her control over her emotions and magic" Charlie said looking at Elizabeth sadly and worriedly

"Did doing that hurt her?" I asked really hoping it didn't

"No, she is physically fine but she will probably be unconscious for the rest of the day and maybe over night aswell, the only thing she will need is a whole lot of water when she wakes up" Charlie said softly

"I want to say sorry Charlie" I said still running my fingers through her hair

"Why son?" Charlie asked and hearing him call me son made me smile

"I told my family about you being a warlock and Elizabeth being a witch, it wasn't my place to say anything. It was both of your decision to tell us when you were both ready, i shouldn't have said anything and i'm terribly sorry" I said truthfully

"I understand why you did it Jasper, you did it for two reasons one you were excited about finding your mate and two you didn't want to lie to your family. I agree it wasn't your place but i understand why you did it and it's okay son" He said with a small smile

"Your not mad?" I asked curiously

"Oh no, you apologised so why would i be mad. You had your reasons and those reasons are understandable" He said relaxing into the couch opposite me

"Will she be okay staying unconscious for a long time?" Emmett asked worriedly

"She will be fine Emmett, this isn't the first time this has happened" Charlie said giving him a reassuring smile

"How many times?" Alice asked tilting her head to the side

"Never as a child but numerous times when Bella would visit and it got worse when-" He said trailing off

"When a incident happened" Carlisle finished for him

"What. Happened" I asked through gritted teeth as Major starts fighting for control

"Jasper calm down, Elizabeth will tell you when she is ready" Esme said in her motherly tone making Major calm down

"I will tell you because i know if Elizabeth tells you she will have to scream again" Charlie said with a sigh

"Are you sure about this?" Rosalie asked worriedly

"Yes it would for the best and Elizabeth will understand" He said nodding at Rosalie

"Okay but only if she understands" She said looking at Elizabeth sadly

"On Bella's last visit here before she refused to visit anymore she stabbed Elizabeth which has left a scar, i nearly lost Elizabeth that day" Charlie said sadly

"What!!!" Us siblings yell in anger

He then told us his past and Elizabeth's past leaving me and my siblings in shock at what they have both been through and my hatred for Bella has tripled. How could Bella's mother do that to Charlie, he is the nicest man i have met in a long time and he is a true gentleman. Don't get me started on what Bella has done to Elizabeth, she won't hurt my mate again because i will lay my vampire life on the line to protect my mate from that bitch. Feeling the tension in the room Carlisle invited Charlie and Elizabeth to stay seeing as Elizabeth is unconscious and shouldn't be moved to much which he thankfully accepted without a single thought.

"Jasper can you take her to your room so she is comfortable Forest and Ace will follow you since they won't leave her side right now" Charlie asked politely

"Of course and should i leave my door open incase Forest or Ace need anything?" I asked back

"Yes please, they will alert us if anything happens" He said softly

"Then once you are done you need to go and hunt Jasper, your eyes are dark which means you should have hunted this morning. Me and Alice will keep an eye on Elizabeth for you while your gone" Esme said slightly scolding me for not hunting

"Yes ma'am" I said knowing she is right as always



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