- Chapter 7: Great Idea -

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- Jasper's Pov -

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- Jasper's Pov -

The whole time i was walking to my room with Elizabeth in my arms i had a smile on my face which is unusual for me because i haven't smiled since i was turned. I look down at my beautiful darlin only to see she has cuddled herself into my chest with her eyes closed, i hold her closer to me knowing she needs this rest and sleep. I thank Alice over and over in my head for buying a bed for my room yesterday and i know Edward would hear my thoughts and tell her i said thank you for me. When i get to my room i'm glad i left my door slightly ajar so i wouldn't have to kick it open right now, i use my elbow to open it then go straight in laying Elizabeth down in the center of the bed. I tuck her in making sure she is covered with all the blankets i can find because i don't want her to getting cold tonight if she stays asleep that long.

I kiss her forehead then leave the bedroom making sure to close the door behind me and my heart squeezed painfully at the fact i am leaving my mate. I know she wouldn't like me being a creep by standing around or sitting around the whole time she is sleeping peacefully. I feel her emotions and she isn't scared at all, she is just confused and overwhelmed which i understand because she has just had a big eventful morning. I go back to the livingroom and sit on the couch noticing Carlisle and Esme are not here anymore, the only people here are my 'siblings'. They're all smiling at me expecially Alice she is practically bouncing on the couch in excitement. I just shake my head at her and pick up my war history book that i hid under the couch and started reading it ignoring them all. Once they all realised i wasn't going to talk they all went and did their own thing for the whole night. I didn't move from the couch and i read multiple war history books while using my enhanced hearing to make sure my darlin is safe while she slept. In the early hours of the morning i started to hear her mumbling for her dad in her sleep and i wanted to comfort her but i held myself back. I didn't want to cross a line and lose my chance for her to be mine and for me to be hers, if she needs someone she will yell out for them.

Suddenly Alice vamp speeds into the livingroom and is stood right infront of me with that far away look in her eyes, the same look she normal gets when she has a vision. I jump up to hold her shoulders to keep her steady and i couldn't help but wonder where Edward is since he normally helps keep alice calm during these visions of hers. All i can do is hold her shoulders and i can't do nothing else as my scent on Alice will send Edward in a frenzy since male vampire's hate their mates having another male scent on them that's not theirs. When her eyes start to clear i drop my hands from her shoulders and sit back down in my chair then i see she has a big smile on her face.

"She will wake up in half an hour, Esme has got food in the kitchen so go make her some breakfast Jas" She said with a smile still on her face

"Thank you Alice and where's Edward he is normally glued to you when you have your visions" I said curiously

"He went for a hunt, he has also been keeping an eye on chief swan for mom and dad" She said and the smile never leaves her face once

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