- Chapter 25: She's Just Sleeping -

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|Jasper's Pov|

I ran to my family's house as fast as i could pushing my vamp speed to the limit while holding Elizabeth tightly i coild hear people running behind me but i payed them no attention my whole focus is on my pregnant little witch in my arms who has got her eyes closed tightly while she whimpers with her hand on her baby bump when i finally get to the house i run straight inside and up to the medical room not stopping for anything i slam the door open then lay down on the hospital bed just as Carlisle walks in.

"I think i know what is going on but i am going to do some test's first i know you want to stay Jasper but you need to stay out my way" Carlisle said looking at Elizabeth concerned

"Just help her and keep our baby safe Carlisle! Something is wrong we can all see that and i can sense it in our bond!" I said panicking

"Jasper i am always going to help her she is family now and your baby will always be safe with me around now i need you to stay calm because she can sense you panic through the bond" He said calmly yet worriedly

I nod my head and stand at Elizabeth's side near her head then i run my fingers through her hair calming her down aswell as calming myself down i do not want to add to her panic at all she is already panicked i watch as Carlisle takes his bracelet off and does test after test i know he took the bracelet off so he wouldn't have to stop to have a drink, eat and to have a toilet he wants all his focus to be on Elizabeth who had now fallen asleep.

"That's it!" Carlisle suddenly yelled looking more worried

"Carlisle what's wrong!" I said

"It seems the pain and dizziness Elizabeth was experiencing is the baby taking her energy and blood to accelerate their growth it seems your little one doesn't want to wait for five to six months to come into the world they want to come quicker they are tapping into their vampire side to grow quicker, This pregnancy has just gone high risk Jasper she will need daily blood, loads of sleep, no unnecessary walking, plenty of food and absolutely no stress, She will also be asleep till morning the pain was to much for her to handle" He said still looking worried

"Why does their growth keep accelerating it's effecting Elizabeth badly everytime i can't keep seeing her in pain like this Carlisle" I said worriedly

"I think the baby picked up on Elizabeth's stress, anger and exhaustion during the whole Bella and Renèe situation and thought their life and Elizabeth's life was in danger so they tapped into their vampire side to grow quicker meaning they would be born early so Elizabeth could fight and use her magic to protect them both, You have one smart baby Jasper" He said slightly amused

"So let me get this straight our little miracle has been accelerating their own growth because they sensed danger and they wanted to be born early so Elizabeth could fight and use her magic to protect them both?" I asked unsure

"That's right but i also have no idea when Elizabeth will give birth so she will need to stay in this house till she does give birth" He said in a no argument tone

"I will have to go to Elizabeth's place and get some of our stuff then i will have to start on the baby's nursery we have loads of things to do in a unknown time frame" I said pacing up and down the length of the hospital bed

"Son go get some things from Elizabeth's place then go speak to esme she will help you with everything you need i will watch over Elizabeth" He said with a small smile

"What if she wakes up when i'm not here" I asked sadly

"I will get you straight away" He said calmly

I nod my head at him as i lean down and kiss Elizabeth's forehead then i place my hand on her baby bump whispering a quiet i love you once i finish saying goodbye i stand up then run out the room wanting to get everything done so i can get back to Elizabeth as fast as possible.

I nod my head at him as i lean down and kiss Elizabeth's forehead then i place my hand on her baby bump whispering a quiet i love you once i finish saying goodbye i stand up then run out the room wanting to get everything done so i can get back to...

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|Carlisle's Pov|

I watch Jasper run out the room as quick as he can i know he is going to try to get back in here as quick as possible and i completely understand i grab a blanket and lay it over Elizabeth making sure to tuck her in just as i do that Esme and Charlie walk in both looking very worried i vamp speed over to them and pull them both into a hug i kiss Esme's forehead and do the same to Charlie who has tears in his eyes as he looks at Elizabeth i hold his face in my hands and wipe his tears with my thumb.

"Everything is fine love the baby had a unexpected growth acceleration she will be asleep till tomorrow due to the pain" I said calmly

"What do we need to do to help her through this Carlisle?" He asked sadly

"There isnt much we can do except be there for her, she will have to stay woth us here so i can keep an eye on her Jasper is getting some of their things as we speak" I said softly and calmly i wonder how i can be so calm in these situations but i know it's because i have to be my family needs me to be calm

"I will go and make sure Jasper's room is ready for them do you want to help Charlie or do you want to stay here?" Esme asked slightly worried as she looked at Elizabeth

"I will stay here i want to be with her she needs me" He said sadly Esme nodded she kissed me and Charlie on the cheek then she left the room.

"I am worried Carlisle will this happen again? Is she in pain still?" He asked walking over and standing beside Elizabeth's head

"It may happen again we wouldn't know till other happen's again but i will be prepared this time now they are living with us and no she isn't in any pain now the baby has stopped growing she is just sleeping" I said holding his hand giving it a slight squeeze to reassure him.



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