- Chapter 10: I really want a burger now -

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- Elizabeth's Pov -

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- Elizabeth's Pov -

I get woken up by Forest licking my face which is something Ace would join in doing but Ace is nowhere in sight. I hold my head when a sharp pain ripples through my head. Which mean i have the usual headache after my scream to regain control. I push Forest of my chest and slowly sit up while signaling Forest to leave the room which he does without complaint. I climb out of bed and do a silent spell to clean myself getting rid of all the mud after my little wood adventure yesterday. Then i do another spell to change my clothes and braid my hair (Outfit above) because today i am going to do absolutely nothing due to being so drained after yesterday. I go downstairs and see that everyone except Esme is in the livingroom, i go into the kicthen wanting something to eat and some coffee only to find Esme cooking. She sees me and smiles, i smile back as i sit at the kitchen island watching her float around the kitchen in her element.

"Morning Esme" I said softly

"Morning sweetheart, i'm cooking you some pancakes and here is your coffee" She said placing a cup of coffee infront of me

"Thank you Esme you didn't have to do this i can do it myself" I said not liking that she is cooking when she can't eat any of it, hang on they might be able too

"Dad is there a spell i can do so the Cullen's can eat and maybe go out in the sun without glittering?" I asked dad telepathically using our magic bond

"I like what your thinking, let me summon our grimoire's and we will look together" He says back making me smile

"What's got you all smiley sweetheart" Esme asked snapping me out the magic bond

"Just thought of how to pay you back for breakfast" I said smiling

"Oh no you don't, you don't need to do that" She said placing a plate of pancakes infront of me

I just wink at her then eat my pancakes because no matter what she says i'm definitely going to find a spell to help them all eat and go out in the sun without glittering maybe i can give them their original eye colour back. When i finish eating i try to get up to clean my plate but Esme gives me the sit down look so i stay sat down and sip my coffee while watching Esme clean up. I know she is doing this because she is worried about me from the events of yesterday, i get up and walk into the livingroom still sipping my coffee. When i get to the livingroom i see dad sat on the floor with our grimoire's infront of him and numerous pieces of paper scattered around him. I go over to him then sit on the floor next to him and start to help him find the spell we will need while still sipping on my coffee.

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