- Chapter 5: What the fu -

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- Elizabeth's Pov -

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- Elizabeth's Pov -

The drive to the Cullen's house didn't take as long as i thought it would amd when dad finally parked up infront of their house he didn't get out instead he grabbed my hand and held it tightly. I could see the worry on his face and i knew he needed a couple minutes so i sat in the car beside him for what felt like hours but in reality it was only a couple minutes. I looked over at him only to see him already looking at me with eyes full of love and concern, i nod my head at him with a smile silently telling him i will be okay and it's time to do this. He smiled at me as he leaned over the middle console and kissed my cheek then he let go of my hand and climbed out, i followed his lead and got out as he let Ace out the back who came to my side in a instantly. Dad came round and held my hand then we both walked to the front door and when dad knocked on the door i straightened my back and held my head high. I could see dad doing the same while Ace stood tall and alert just as the door was suddenly thrown open resulting in dad pushing me behind him because of the way the door was opened. I see a short pale girl with a pixie haircut and from how she looks she must be Alice because she's exactly how dad described her, dad soon relaxed and stepped to the side of me.

"Hello we are here to talk to Carlisle" Dad said with a straight face showing no emotion at all

"Yes of course please come in and your dog is more then welcome to come in too" She said with a small smile

"Good because he was going too anyway wherever my daughter goes he goes" Dad said with a no argument tone

She moves aside to let us inside and dad grabs my hand linking his fingers with mine then we walk into the house with Ace walking to the side of me. When we are inside we stop and wait for Alice to show us the way, she shuts the door then leads us up some stairs into a beautiful open livingroom. I could see the rest of the family stood around talking lowly and i know who each and everyone one of their names thanks to dad's description of them. Suddenly three of them snap their heads to our direction and watch us as Alice leads us over to a couch. Me and dad sit down while Ace stands infront of me protectively and i start to feel someone trying to get inside my mind so i chant a spell in my mind stopping whoever it is from reading mine and dad's thoughts.

"You wanted to talk so talk" I said emotionless

"We originally wanted to talk about something involving one of you but now it involves both of you" Carlisle said with a small smile

"So get on with it" Dad said in the same tone as me

"I know who you two are you, you are both known in our world as the most feared, strong and fierce witch and warlock in existence so if we know about you then you must know about us so please cut the act so we can talk" Carlisle said almost pleaded

"Fine we know your veggy vamps so can you just say what you have to say" I said with more emotion showing but mainly one emotion, annoyance

"Can we get you name sweetie to make this easier, we know your fathers name but not yours" Esme said politely and her mother tone coming through thickly

"Elizabeth" I said shortly

"Well Elizabeth you are Jasper's true mate, not bloodsinger but his true mate" Carlisle said making me freeze

"Darlin?" Jasper said coming over but he soon stopped when dad raised his hand and Ace growled

"Y-your my mate too" I stuttered out still in shock

"There is more Charlie, you are mine and Carlisle's mate" Esme said making me look at dad wide eyed

"What the fu-" I stopped when dad gave me a look so i just kept looking at him wide eyed

"I know i felt the pull just like Elizabeth did at school yesterday" Dad said looking at me

"Breath for me sweetheart, it's going to be okay remember what me and your mum told you about mate's. He will not hurt you it's your time to be happy, we can be happy again sweetheart" Dad said now holding my face in his hands

"B-but m-mum" I stuttered out

"She was my first mate and forever will be in my heart but this is my second chance and Jasper is your true mate, she would want us to give this a chance to be happy again sweetheart" He said with a small sad smile

I jump slightly when i suddenly feel two hands on my knees i look infront of me and see Esme and Carlisle on their knees infront of me with sad smiles on their faces. Both of them had one of their hands on my knees and they both are looking at me with concern in their eyes and i look behind them only to see Jasper stood there looking worried with Ace stood at the side of him.

"Honey i don't know about yours and Charlie's past but i promise i will not replace your mother she will always be your mother and i respect that, i really do but just like Charlie said she would want you both to be happy. Can you please give Jasper a chance? and Charlie can you give us a chance?" Esme said looking at me then looked at dad with love shining in her gold eyes

"O-one chance" I stuttered

"One chance, just like my little witch said you have one chance" Dad said holding one finger up to them

"That's all we need" Carlisle said with a small smile

"Darlin one chance is all i need, i will never hurt you, i will always protect and love you" Jasper said with a massive smile on his oh so sexy face

"We have a sister!!" Alice squealed interrupting the moment making me giggle

"Oh no, Elizabeth get ready she will kidnap you and take you on shopping sprees!" Rosalie said jokingly making all the cullen family look at her in shock

"I was wrong okay they are not sly or evil i was being protective over my family, i didn't want anyone getting hurt. I am so sorry for thinking you both were sly and evil because you are nothing of the sort" She said looking at me she looked very sorry

"I forgive you" I said with a smile



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