- Chapter 26: Lunch with Jasper -

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|Elizabeth's Pov|

It's been three long days since mine and Jasper's baby gave us a fright i have been craving blood more and i even wanted blood on my food which sounds disgusting but it tastes amazing, I have been eating more then i normally do to keep my energy and strengh up to keep me strong enough to deliver my baby i am not worried about that i know i am strong enough to do that, Yesterday i felt the baby kick and move for the forst time and that sent Jasper into protective mode he wouldnt let anyone near me he even stayed home from school telling ne he didnt want to leave and then the whole family have been very protective over me they wont even let me out the house, i am not allowed to do anything alone someone is always with me every second of the day it's starting to get on my nerves i can't have any time for myself i get that they are doing it to keep an eye on me incase something goes wrong but all i want is to leave the house.

And thankfully today i have left the house with Esme for the first time in three day i am currently in her car on the way to the school because Emmett forgot his gym bag and Rosalie forgot her lunch i can't wait to see Jasper i have missed him so much today and the best part is it's lunch time for them now and Esme said i can sit and each my lunch with Jasper it doesn't take us long to pull into the busy schools parking lot i let out a sigh as i place my hand on my baby bump i now look at least six months pregnant i now as soon as i step out the car people are going to start whispering and gossiping.

"Are you ready honey?" Esme asked as she parks the car

"Ready as i will ever be" I said nervously

"Don't worry about them honey they can think what they want our family knows the truth about the baby and that is all that matters" She said calmly

"Let's do this i want to see Jasper" I said after taking a couple deep breaths

"There's our strong witch" She cooed making me blush

She gets out the car first then walks over and helps me get out as soon as i step out the car the whispers start it makes me nervous but i don't let it show like Esme said our family knows the truth they can think what the hell they want because their opinions and gossip doesn't mean shit to us Esme loops our arms together and helps me walk into the school we had to stop by the front office to tell them why we were here and to get a visitor badge then we went straight to the cafeteria the whole time kids kept looking a pointing but Esme sent then a glare everytime and squeezed my had giving me reassurance when we get to the cafeteria Esme pushed the double doors open with her elbow when we walked in it went silent that silent you could hear a pin drop if someone did drop one it made me nervous i looked over at the familiar table at the far end of the room and saw them all they were looking at me with big smiles on their faces.

"Eli!" Edward yelled happily from across the room making me giggle

"Eddie!" I yelled back making them all laugh while all the other students watch us wided eyed

Esme walks me over to them making sure that i don't slip or fall on the floor when we get to the table Jasper carefully pulls me down onto his lap and puts his head into the crook of my neck as Esme hands Emmett and Rosalie their things the cafeteria was still quiet and it made me even more nervous i think Rosalie must have picked up on that because she slammed her hands on the table as she stood up making every snap their attention onto her.

"HEY! STOP STARING AT MY SISTER YES SHE IS PREGNANT AND YES THE BABY IS JASPER'S NOW STOP STARING!" Rosalie yells making them all instantly look away and start talking again which made me let out a breath of relief

"You staying for lunch darlin?" Jasper whispers into my ear making me shiver

"Yes if that's okay" I whisper back as i run my fingers through his golden hair

"Of course it's okay darlin i have missed you and our little miracle" He said as he took his head out my neck and kisses my cheek

"I will go wait in the car for you honey, one of you guys make sure to walk her out to the car when she is done eating" Esme said pointing to the other's with a stern look

"Yes ma'am" They all said nodding their heads

Esme kisses my forehead then leaves the cafeteria all of us eat our lunches the whole time jasper wouldnt let me get off his lap i didn't mind though i could see students looking over with wide eyes probably because of two things one is they aren't used to seeing the cullen's eat and two is the most obvious they are probably confused as to why the cullen's eyes are no longer gold when we finished eating i rested my back against Jasper's chest and let out a sigh i feel at home in his arms.

"How are you feeling Lizzy?" Alice asked smiling

"I feel perfect but i am abit upset that the whole thing is going so fast" I said pouting

"I know but all of us have been taking photos and writing things to capture it all so you can always look back on this special time" Emmett said with a bigger smile

Suddenly the whole cafeteria went quiet again the only thing you could hear was footsteps getting closer and closer to our table and i knew who it was even before i could see them and i knew just by the look of disgust on Rosalie's face it's Bella i just know she is going to try to start something again but thankfully she doesn't remember anything about me so i know she is going to start the get of my boyfriend shit even though everyone knows Jasper is my boyfriend she is going to be humiliated infront of everyone.



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