- Chapter 22: I love you too little witch -

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|Jasper's Pov|

I catch Elizabeth before she could hit the ground i pick her up and vamp speed into the house and upto the livingroom where i lay her down on the couch everyone followed me they are now stood around all looking worried Carlisle comes over and starts go check her over while he does that i am pacing up and down worrying over my mate and baby i use my enhanced hearing to listen to the baby's heartbeat and sigh in relief when i hear it beating normally.

"She is just exhausted due to using to much magic she will wake up in a few minutes and the baby is fine Jasper" Charlie said easing our worry

"No-one is to ask her to do magic for a few days, she needs complete rest" Carlisle said sternly making us all nod at him

"She will be emotional aswell she has been waiting for years ro make Renèe pay and she finally did it so you all need to be careful with what you say anything can set her off crying" Charlie said softly while looking at Elizabeth with love filled eyes

"Can someone go get Ace and Forest from her cabin don't worry about not being able to get inside i just removed the spell please walk back at human pace Elizabeth wouldn't want the dogs to get hurt by accident or for then to be scared of you guys" Charlie asked and said politely

"I will do it!" Alice squealed

"I will go with you love" Edward said smiling at her with eyes full of love

They both vamp speed away we all chuckled at Alice's eagerness to get the dogs she has become very fond of them and we would always see her cuddling with them or bathing then with that damn scented shampoo it's hard to separate her from the dogs but we manage by telling her she can dog sit if Elizabeth needs her too i am cut out my thoughts when i suddenly see Carlisle vamp speed towards Elizabeth making me growl he looks concerned and shocked her lifts her top slightly and what i see makes me gasp she has a baby bump! The baby is growing faster then Carlisle said!

"What's going on Carlisle you said she will have a 7 to 8 month pregnancy!" I snap out in panic

"That's what i thought but i thank because the baby is 60% Vampire it's effecting the growth which means Elizabeth's due date has moved closer she will give birth in about five to six months time, Rosalie can you go get some more blood, Esme can you make some food she will need it when she wakes up and Charlie can you lights some scented candles she needs to be relaxed when she wakes up" Carlisle said as he does a medical check on her Rosalie and Esme leave the livingroom in a blink of an eye and Charlie he walks around lighting every lavender candle on the livingroom

"Please tell me our baby okay?" I begged

"I can do a scan if you want to make sure" He said smiling i nod straight away wanting to make sure our little one is okay

Carlisle gets the ultrasound machine out and does a quick scan when i see our little baby on the small screen venom gathers in my eye he or she is still so little but gotten so big since i last saw them Carlisle does a couple checks then prints of a couple pictures he quickly tells me the baby is perfectly fine and healthy which makes me sigh in relief when Carlisle puts all his medical stuff away i lift Elizabeth's head up and sit on the couch where he head just was then lay her head on my lap i place one hand on her small baby bump and run my fingers through her hair with my other hand while we wait for her to wake up


It's been about half an hour since Carlisle did he medical check Rosalie, Alice and Edward can back about 20 minute ago Ace and Forest have been laying by the feet whining since they go here Charlie said it's because they can sense Elizabeth's inner panic and Esme hasn't left the kitchen not even once i can hear her humming a tune while she cooks away in there everyone else has just been sitting around watching tv or reading magazines i look down when i hear a groan i see Elizabeth roll onto her side and watch as she snuggles her head into my stomach i chuckle at how cute she looks right now.

"Jasper?" She mumbles as she slowly wakes up

"Yes darlin" I said running my fingers through her hair

"Is our baby okay?" She asked as she opens her eyes

"Our little one is perfectly fine and healthy Carlisle did a scan while you were unconscious here look at this he printed off a scan picture" I said showing her the scan photo her eye gloss over immediately

"Our miracle" She whispers as a tear rolled down her cheek

"You did so well doing all those spells darlin i am so proud of you" I said with a small smile

"Realy?" She asked cutely with wide eyes

"Yes really you did multiple spells while exhausted, Pregnant and in shock i am very proud of you and always will be you are amazing your my badass little witch" I said smirking at her now

"I did what i had to do to keep me, dad and our baby safe from those two evil bitches" She said as she looked back at the scan photo

"I love you cowboy" She said blushing

"I love you too little witch, Now get some rest before Esme comes in with enough food to feed a army amd before Carlisle hands you some blood to drink" I said then kiss her forehead



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