- Chapter 12: You sound like a cat Rose -

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|Elizabeth's Pov|

It's been a week since dad arrested Bella it's been amazing i have had ao much fun getting to know the Cullen's i spent one on one time with each of them i went shopping with Alice which i will never do again my feet hurt after that day, I played video games with Emmett it was funny every time i won Emmett would throw the remote and yell, fixed a car woth Rosalie which resulted in me covered in oil and grim but it was fun, I cooked with Esme learning new recipes, I went to the hospital with Carlisle and helped him with his patients, I played my violin while Edward played his piano i loved hearing him play it relaxed my alot and then yesterday i spent the day with jasper he is the best mate i could ever wish for he took me out for a picnic the other day it was magical he even asked me for a second date which i said yes too the only thing i am struggling with is the mate bond every night when i go to my cabin i get this pain in my chest to start with the lain didn't effect my sleep but now it does the pain hurts so bad i normally cry myself to sleep just like i did last night.

I sigh as i close my book today is the day i have been trying to forget about It's the day Bella is getting released i have been anxious all morning Forest and Ace haven't left my side Jasper did come and did come over to my cabin to see me this morning before he went to school to try and help me calm down but it didn't work i want to go and see Esme and Carlisle and have lunch with them but i have been there all weekend and i don't want them to think i am using their place as a hotel but i really need comfort right now my phone suddenly deeps indicating i have a text i pick it up to see a text from Alice.

Can you go to ours and grab Jasper a note pad and bring it to school he forgot to pick it up it before he left x

Sure i will meet you in the cafeteria tell Jasper he better buy me a whole lot of chocolate for this😘

Oh he knows he is now telling us how he us how he will only going to get you the best chocolate because that's what you deserve!🤣

I shake my head at her text i put my phone in my back pocket trust Jasper to be so worried about me he forgot to pico up his note pad i feel so bad but i know even if he didn't come here this morning he would have forgotten it anyway and grab my keys of the kicthen counter i leave my cabin doing a silent spell to lock the door then i hop into my car and drive to the Cullen house only to see Esme stood in the driveway holding a couple note pads in her hand i park up but keep the engine running i roll my window down as Esme stands next to my car.

"Here honey Alice text me drive safe and once your done at school come straight here for dinner i don't want you eating alone" She said with a smile

"Sure thing Esme i will be back soon" I said with my own smile

"Drive safe honey!" She said one last time then went back into the house.

I put the note pad on my lap then drive to the school the whole drive i was singing my heart out i wonder what Bella's face looked like when she saw the Cullen's eating and their eye colour i bet her eyes nearly popped out her bitch head it didn't take me long to arrive at the school i pull up to the school and park up just as i heard the lunch bell so i shut off the engine and climb out holding Jasper's note pad close to my chest i lock my car up then walk into the school i see the receptionist looking at me but she didn't stop me she knows who i am so there's no point in her trying to stop me i walk to the cafeteria the corridor wasn't busy but wasn't empty either i heard a couple cat calls but ignored them when i get to the cafeteria i kicked the door open making the bang against the wall god i love making an entrance i look over to where i saw the cullen's and my mate for the first time and saw them sat there with smiles on their face's Jasper looked at me and winked which made me blush

"Lizzy over here!" Rosalie shouts making me laugh at her eagerness

I walk over to their table on the way i saw boys looking at me in lust while girls looked at me with jealousy making me roll my eyes teenage boys are horny idiots and girls just get jealous so quickly over nothing i did see Bella but i ignored her she looked a freaking mess she is also glaring at me like she is planning my death knowing her she probably is as soon as i got to the table Jasper pulled me onto his lap making me squeal in surprise he kissed my cheek with a chuckle.

"Thank you darlin" Jasper said i shiver hearing his southern accent

"Your welcome and cowboy you owe my a whole lot of chocolate" I said and kissed his cheek

"You can have as much chocolate as your heart content" He said with a smile

"Jasper let our sister gooooo!" Alice whined

"Hey i can still talk to you on his lap don't go all jealous" I said with a giggle

"Oh for god sake Bella is coming over" Rosalie said with a low hiss making me giggle again

"You sound like a cat rose" I said laughing

"Get off my boyfriend you bitch!!!!" Bella yelled behind me the whole cafeteria when quiet you could hear a pin drop



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