Vexa is pregnant

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In Void's Lair....

Void is sleeping as Vero snoozes on him

Void holds him close*

Vero gets an idea and wakes Void up by gently sucking on his nose

Void chuckles*

Vero whimpers for him to wake up

Void wakes up: Morning son

Vero chitters he wants to wake up his siblings

Void: Okay, let's wake them up

In Vexa's room...

Void watches as Vero wakes Vexa up by playing loud music

Void chuckles*

Vexa wake sup yelling.

Vexa- Im up im up !

In Aku's room , Void places Vero down on Aku

Aku snores*

Vero crawls over to his nose and honks on it

Aku wakes up: Ah!

Vero yelps

Aku: Okay okay I'm up!

Vero falls and whimpers

Aku: No no no, I didn't mean to scare you

Vero looks

Aku holds him*

Void: Okay, let's wake up the others

Time skip, the kids are in the dining room having tired eyes*

Void: Eat up kids, you need to have some energy to fight the heroes.

Vexa doesn't feel good and vomits

Luckily she vomits in the bucket next to her*

Void: Vexa? Are you okay?

Vexa- Not sure...

Void scans her to see if she's having a stomach ache*

Vexa is nervous as if she did something

Void: What.... is.... that?!

Vexa sweats.

Vexa- What's what ?

Void: I see a little bean in there!

Vexa sweats more nervous.

Vexa- I... I dont know

Void realizes: DARK CLOOOOOOOOOUD!!!!

Everyone covers their ears before Dark Cloud comes

Void: You impregnated my daughter?!

Dark Cloud is buttoning up his shirt

Dark Cloud- Well.... I...... I.. Maybe...?

Void growls: I'm gonna KILL YOU!!!!

Void tries to attack him but Aku, Definite, Nega Death, Ixis and Solaris hold him back*

Definite: Dad chill! CHILL!!

Vexa- Daddy ! Daddy no !

Ifrit: Take the pill! Give him the pill!

Definite feeds him the pill and he started to calm down before he lools at Vexa

Void: I'm okay sweetie *glares at Dark Cloud* You better take care of the baby *shows scary demonic form* Or I'll eat you alive....

Dark Cloud gulped.

Dark Clous- Y--yes sir

Aku looks in the sphere and sees Calixta and her family

Aku smiles*

Iblis: Hey Definite, when are you going to mate with Lira?

Definite: Oh now you remind me, I need to see her!

V exa- Hey Aku, before you go remember when I was little I always called you Extra thick?

Aku: I remember

Enerjak: And you can't mate with Calixta, cause I remember last time, you gave your woman slaves your juice that can let them have 7 babies

Vexa- Dont listen to him he is jealous because I don't call him extra thick. Speaking of that.... Ifrit !

Ifrit came to her: Yes sis?

Vexa- Can you make a serum for Aku to whoever he mates with gets only ONE kid not 7?

Ifrit: Of course! Right away!

Ifrit leaves but Vexa is now sad

Null: Don't be sad sis

Vexa- Im a disgracw to the entire family now... I guess I'll go into the oven..

Vexa turns

Ganon: No no don't sis!

Void Jr: Dad is looking out for you

Vexa- He's upset at me

Void looks at her: No I'm not, I'm upset at Dark Cloud

Vexa- Really Daddy ?

Void: Yes really

Vexa tears up and hugs him before he hears whimpering

Void looks*

He sees Vero chewing on his pant leg

Void picks him up: You hungry son?

Vero nodded yes*

Void chuckles: Okay let's eat

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