The bad guys are free

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Meanwhile with the bad guys in jail*

Crystal comes in

Wolf: Hey Mrs chinchilla

Crystal- Okay. You guys are all good to go

Webbs: Alright!

They left their jail cell and grabbed their belongings*

Diane, Sonia, Jill, Tops and Wammawink are waiting for them..

Sonia holds Annie*

Snake- Babe !

Sonia: Snake!

Annie coos*

Snake holds her.

Snake- How are you ? Hows our little ones ?

Sonia rubs her belly: They're doing okay honey

Snake smiles and nuzzles her as Wolf hugs Diane.

Jill- Piranha

Piranha: Hola chica!

Jill smiles and kisses his head.

Jill- how are ya ?

Piranha: I'm doing good chica

Jill- I missed ya~

Piranha: I missed you too

Shark: Wammy!

Wammawink looks now around 12-13 and gallops over.

Wammawink- Sharkie !

Shark hugs her*

Wammawink- Oh I missed you !

Shark: I missed you too!

Tops: She only has four more months to go

Wammawinl- Yay !

Crystal smiles as she rubs her one month belly

Back with Void...

Vero hides

Void walks*

He then accidentally stepped on Vero's tail and Vero squealed in pain amd hides

Void: Oh! Son! *sees him and picks him up* Are you okay? Did I step on your tail?

Vero looks and see the tip of his tail all red

Void: There there, I'll fix you *touched the tip of his tail and his hand glows*

Vero looks

Void heals Vero's tail*

Vero is surprised and looks at him

Void: Feel better son?

Vero points ans sees Vexas fanous Japanese cookies

Void: Okay, but you can only have one.

Vero claps happily*

Ifrit: Hey dad?

Void: Yes son?

Ifrit: Did you remember the episode where Team Savy fought Team Beige, and you secretly used the ego stone on Issac?

Void: Yeah, I love it when I made Blitzo sad.

Vexa- Daddy !

Void: Oh, busted...

Vexa- Not because your busted because you didn't tell me but Im not worried about that right now !

Void: Then what were you worried about?

Vexa- Can I beat someone up today ? Im already becoming stressed and jealous not because I'm pregnant because of those girls in Toon Town

Void: Sweetie, I can't risk you getting hurt in Toon town, unless... if you get the chance, bring me the moon crystal.

Vexa- Eeeeeeeeee ! Weally ?!

Void: Yes really

Vexa- Yaaaaaaaay, so I CAN hit someone?

Void: Yes, as long as you get the Moon crystal

Vero comes out with three cookies

Void: Oh Vero

Vero giggles*

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