Maisie and her friends go to Centaurworld

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With Malikai...

He takes Lotus to Blitzo's place

Stritzo is feeling sad*

Malikai- Hey guys !

Blitzo: Brother! How's my sister Savy?!

Malikai- Doing good bestie! How is little Zulius!

Blitzo- Great hes grown bih! Look at him !

They see a 12-13 year old looling little Zebrataur making a kissy face in the mirror

Malikai: Whoa, he grew up fast

Zulius- Hi uncle Malikai !

Malikai: Hey Zulius!

Zulius hugs his leg

Malikai: Oh!

Zulius- I missed you !

Malikai: Me too

Lotus sees Stritzo.

Lotus- Stritzo !

Stritzo looks and sees her: Lotus!

Lotus crawled down and crawls to Stritzo

Stritzo crawls to her*

Lotus- I miss you !

Stritzo: Me sowwe for ignore you!

Lotus- It okay ! Me sowwe Me stopped visiting you

Stritzo smiles and hugs her*

Lotus- Me wuv you !

Stritzo smiles*

Malikai: So why is Octavia and her siblings here?

Octavia: Oh, we're staying here a sleepover, cause mom and Dad went on vacation for their romantic time

Malikai- Hey where is Masie?

Blitzo- Eh. She said something on trying to find Centaurworld.

With Maisie and her friends...

They made it to the olf Rift that lead to the Centaurworld

Annelle: Whoa, where are we?

Enerjak looks and remembers.

Maisie- Daddy says there was a time that humans wouls go and visit a planet called Centaurworld

Sabrina: Ooh!

Jax is on Sabrina's head*

Maisie- So how do we activate it

Tito: I'm not sure

Enerjak has an idea. Sabrina looks at him

Wither: Enerjak?

Enerjak then uses some of his powers to male a roft

Enerjak then uses his powers to make a rift in the Triangle

Muskrat: Impressive

Sabrina. Who. Wannts. To go. Fiirrssstt

They looked at Blaze*

They pushed him inside

Blaze yells*

Everyone jumps in and they see Blaze getting up with his lowerbody now became a horse centaur with dark red fur amd blsck streaks and details similar to Bombproof

Blaze: What happened to me?!

Enerjak- You're a centaur now. You're still the same but you have a lower demonic horse body. Thats what a centaur is

Blaze: Whoa!

Maisie lools at Muskrat and gasped.

Maisie- Muskrat ! Look !

Muskrat lools and sees he has a lower Muskrat bosy hence became a Muskrataur

Muskrat: Whoa!

Maisie- You're a Muskrataur !

Samantha looks at her lower half and sees she's a Kirintaur. Her hoofs still look the same as well as her tail

Wither is a Geckotaur, Chibiusa is a Cataur, Night Thug is a Raventaur, Ice Cube is a Snow minktaur, Crush is a Crocotaur, Annella is a Hedgehogtaur, Priscilla is a nice lovely demonic Dragontaur, Snips is a Gilataur, Cake is a Bulltaur, Grenfita is a Horsetaur along with Tito

Tito: Ai ai ai!

Maisie is a Raptaur

Maisie: Sweet!

They walked around until they see a Dogtaur

Snips: Hi there!

The Dalmatiantaur sees them and gasped

Maisie: Hello!

Dalmatiantaur- Who are you ?

Maisie: I'm Maisie, and these are my friends

Dalmatiantaur- Im Domino !

Zell: Nice to meet you

Domino- Welcome to Centaurworld ! Wait a minute.... How did you make it here ? The rift has been shut down for 20 years !

Maisie: Enerjak has the power to open the rift

Domino sees him and becomes afraid as he knows him

Enerjak: You okay?

Domino- You and your father are those jerks that wrecked our Village !

Enerjak: Oh yeah, I do it for fun like dad said

Domino growls.

Domimo- Why you no good stupig God ! Ill use you like a chew toy !

Domino goes to tackle him but a cataur holds him bsck

Mittens- Donino , don't !

Snips: Awwww so cute!

Mittens pulls him back and glares at Enerjak

Mittens- You know you are SO lucky the Centaur Shamans are all separated all over Centaurworld otherwise you'd be kicked out

Enerjak: Do that, and I'm telling dad

Mittens- We don't care ! It's not like we dont care about you destroying planets and kidnapping people because THAT'S waht you all do ! It was bad enough the Nowhere King is hainting us and we dont need you !

Maisie: Nowhere King?

Enerjak: Funny, Nowhere King lives at the home of the Darkness now

Domino- You're wrong ! Because HOURS ago , his Minotaurs slaughtered the whole Llamataur village now !

Ice cube: Is that true?

Mittens-( Glares ) You think we lie about this ?! HE is the Reason the Rift shut down !

Tito: Ai ai ai!

Sabrina sees Enerjak a little tense.

Sabrina- Hey Jakky ?

Enerjak: Yes?

Sabrina blushes.

Sabrina- you want to go talk somewhere ?

Enerjak: Sure

Sabrina takes his hand and they leave Centaurworld.

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