How Shark saves Wammawink

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Time Skip...

Jax sees Viper talking to Savy, Samartha, Florabelle and Lexy*

Jax finds a shot

They are not noticing*

Jax crawled over without being seen and first uses the first shot and plucks it inyo her tail.

Viper- Ow !

Jax takes some DNA out of her, and crawls away*

Savy: Viper, are you okay?

Viper looks and sighs in relief.

Viper- Im alright. It must've been a bug.

Jax goes into the kitchen and sees Snake feeling bad for Viper

Sonia: You okay honey?

Snake- I just feel bad for Viper. Most of us are the lucky ones and Viper seems to be the only one who's infertile

Sonia rubs his head: I know, I feel bad for her too

Jax crawled in with another shot

Jax put a shot in Snake's tail*

Snake- Ow ! Something bit me !

Jax quickly crawled away

Sonia looks: Are you okay?

Snake- Something musta bit me !

Savy: Must be one of the bed bugs.

Jax crawls into his room, he went to the phone to call his friends*

Baby worker: Hello?

Jax: Hey, it's prince Jax.

Baby worker- Oh hello your Highness ! Whats up ?

Jax: I'm doing good, still no sign of the enemy though, but I need a favor

Baby Worker- What favor ?

Jax: There is this female snake that can't have any babies, so I got the DNA of the female snake and the male snake, can you make a baby for them?

Baby worker: Of course but it will take pretty long, so how would episode 15 work for you?

Jax- As long as it's on time then

Baby worker: Okay, send the DNA to me, and we'll get to work on it

Jsx- Alright.

Lexy- Hey Sav where did Skye go?

Savy: She went to see her grandma and dad

In the Weaselings castle...

Malikai holds Lotus, Tops hold Eelera*

Eelera- Daddy topsy !

Tops giggles*

Wammawink- Sharkie ! Sharkie !

Shark: Yes Wammy?

Wammawink- Do you remember you one time saved me whem Snake thought I was a snack ?

Shark: Yes I remember


Wammawink giggles happily as she takes a break after failing to rescue the kitten

Snake looks and sees her*

Wammawink giggles but Snake thinls shes a snacl

Snake hissed*

Wammawink hears him.

Wammawink- Huh ?

Snake: Your lunch!

Wammwink screams and tries to run

Wamamwink- Sharkie ! Sharkie !

Shark: Huh?

He sees Snake trying to eat Wammawink

Shark: Hey! Get away from her! *tackles her*

Snake- Ah ! Hey !

Wammwink stopped and looked

Shark is wrestling Snake*

Wammawink watches

Shark tied Snake to a tree*

Wammawinks eyes sparkled

Shark: You okay Wammy?

Wammawink- Sharkie !

Wammawink hugged him

Shark: Oh!

Wammawink- You saved me ! Thank you !

Shark blushes: I uh-I was trying to make sure Snake doesn't hurt you

Wammawink kisses him on the nose

Shark blushes*

Flashback ends..

Wammawink- You were very heroic~

Shark blusues ans chuckles before all the babies are getting into cookie sin the kitchrn along with Secrecy Freddy and Eelera

Eelera coos*

Tiff and Tuff giggle as they tossed the cookie jar to them which they eat

Jason: Kids, where you?

The kids all froze before the parents came in

Malikai: Kids! What did we talk about the cookies?

Secrecy and Freddy tries to crawl and gallop away

Malikai picks them up: No cookies before dinner

The babies look at him as if hes speaking a different la guage

Malikai nuzzled them*

Tops holds Eelera*

Jason holds Tiff and Tuff: You kids need a nap now

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