Void and his old friend

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In Nowhere King's room...

Secret comes in bleating

Nowhere King: Yes honey?

Secret bleats and gently nibbles on his sludgy skin

Nowhere king smiles*

He then starts to remember someone

Nowhere King: Wait, I remember someone

He then starts to remember his Mother

Nowhere King: I remember my mother

Secret babbles what he'll so since Mom is busy

Nowhere King: I know sweetie

Secret babbles she wants to meet grandma

Nowhere King: Well I guess a visit from her won't hurt

Void paces around: Where are the kids?

Enerjak- Were here Dad !

Void: About time, where are my new friends?

Aku- Right here.

He first sees Setsuna and Galaxia

Void: Welcome new friends

Setsuna- Hello. The others are back at home.

Enerjak- We also brought your old friend Ragyo here

Void sees her: Ragyo! Good to see you!

Ragyo- Good to see you as well dear~

Definite: Oh, dad, I want to point out that Nega Death has a crush on her, but he's not allowed to cause he already has Kelly as his chosen mate.

Nega Death: You snitch!!!

Instead of being mad Void and Ragyo bursted into laughter

Nega Death: What's so funny?

Void- Were laughing because you dont remember as a baby what you did !

Ragyo-( laughs ) Yeah I certainly remember what he did !

Nega Death: What did I do?

Void- Son... This ISN'T the first time you crushed on Ragyo here

Nega Death: Who else?

Void and Ragyo looked at each other.

Both- Uh......

25 years earlier....

Ragyo knocks on Void's door

Void opens the door: Hello there my friend

Ragyo- Hello Void.

Void: How are you?

Ragyo- Im doing great. How about you and your family ?

Void: My kids are doing great

Ragyo- anything new ?

Void: Not much

Aku and Nega Death sees her*

Aku's nose bleeds.

Aku: Hubba hubba!

Nega Death sees her

Nega Death blushes*

Ragyo chuckles

Ragyo- Hello again Aku

Aku blushes*

Ragyo bends down ands sees Nega Death as a 1 year old baby

Ragyo- Awww hi little guy!

Nega Death blushes*

Ragyo- Is this that Nega Death you told me ?

Void: Yes he is

Ragyo picks him up

Nega Death blushes*

Ragyo- Isnt he such the cutest thing ! Hes gonna be all nice and handsome like his Daddy~

Nega Death smiles*

Ragyo nuzzles him

Nega Death smiles*

End of Flashback*

Aku: Oh, I have a crush on her too

Nega Death-( glares ) Die !!

All looks at him shocked with Void and Ragyo.

Aku- Im... Im gonna see Calixta now..

Aku leaves to go see Calixta.

Definite- Awkward....

Back with Skye..

She hangs out with Savy and her friends

Savy smiles*

Skye- Im glad my Mom is finally gone for the night!

Ludel: Yep, well, we have one month away for the concert

Malikai: I know

Skye- Please stop reminding me of that...

Morty: Cheer up, things will get better.

Jason: Let's hope so.

Skye the nine tailed foxWhere stories live. Discover now