Arabella heals her nose

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In Void's lair....

Vexa and Vero giggle as they hid

Void talks to his friends*

Vexs- (Giggles) Baby bro. Your big bro Nega is acting like a total dork towards Ragyo...

Vero giggles*

Void: So remember son, Ragyo, you don't want to be with her, she already has someone, and remember your chosen mate is Kelly

Nega Death sighs: Yes dad....

Ragyo chuckles.

Ragyo- Im not changing subjects but I honestly never loved my husband anways and he died long time ago. But....

Ragyo bent down to Nega Death's height

Nega Death looks at her*

Ragyo playfully pinched his cheek snd chuckles.

Ragyo- There is nothing wrong with a little admirstion coming from someome younger. Im really flattered you and Aku found me quite attractive even when you were just a baby~

Nega death blushes*

Ragyo chuckles and lets go before he hears Vexa and Vero giggling wbile theyre hiding.

Vexa- Baby bro... Nega looks sooncute crushing on a milf. A MILF !

Nega Death hears

Nega Death: I heard that!

Void facepalms: Let's hope there is a new victim next month

Back in hell*

Octavia and her siblings are excited to see their parents come back*

Stolas and Stella arrived*

Blitzo- About time you got back! What took y'all so long?!

Stolas: Our vacation was great Blitz!

Stella: Plus we got a surprise for you kids

Stuart: Yes? Yes?

Stella: I'm pregnant

They all gasped.

Zara- Another sibling !

Steve- No way !

Stolas: Even better, I checked her, and we're having quadruplets!

Blitzo fainted as the kids are shocked

Stuart: Awesome!

Blitzo- I wonder hows my bro doing ?

One month later....

The Weaselings are having breakfast

Malikai: Well, tomorrow is the concert sibs

Arabella- ( Grouchily )You mean two days bro...

Malikai: No, I'm pretty sure I checked the calender

Arabella-( Grouchily ) Well check again !

She slaps his nose

Malikai: Ow!

Arabella- You bad !!

Malikai has tears: Your broke my nose!

Arabella gasped.

Arabella- Oh my God ! Big bro ! Im so sorry ! Let me fix it !

Arabella uses her magic to fix his nose and make it all better

Malikai smells: Much better

Arabella sees Malikai still has tears.

Arabella- Im sorry !!

Arabella runs up to her room.

Malikai: Sis! Wait! *runs to her*

Arabella locks herself in her room hugging her bear Little Mikey

Malikai knocks on the door: Sis? Sis?

Arabella-( Sniffles ) Go away

Malikai: Please let me in

Arabella sniffles and unlocks the door with her magic as she hides under the covers

Malikai came in*

Arabella sniffles as she cuddles Little Mikey

Malikai: Don't cry sis

Arabella- Why not ? I got mean and I hurt you

Malikai: Hey, I thought you were looking foward going to the concert?

Arabella- I was ! Its just I thought it was on the 18th and I flipped out and hurt your nose. I seen you cry...

Malikai looks at her*

Arabella- I didn't mean to hurt you... I was grouchy and I hurt you bad. You were crying...

Malikai: Yeah, I am

Arabella still sees tears and cries more as she hides in her blankeg with her bear

Malikai: Oh sis, come here.

Arabella still hiding in her blanket crawled over to him

Malikai hugs her*

Arabella sniffled as Malikai wants her out of the blanket

Malikai: Come out please?

Arabella- I dont want to....

Malikai pulls the blanket*

He sees her pink nose is bruised .

Malikai: Sis?

He sees her nose is bruised and she sniffles

Arabella- Because Im so ugly ? I got a broken nose too !

Malikai: No your not, you and I both have the same broken nose

Arabella tears up more as she hides in the blanket and hugs Little Mikey

Malikai: Hey, let me heal your nose

Arabella sniffles and looks

Malikai used his magic to heal her nose*

Arabella sniffled

Malikai: There, much better

Arabella- I still feel bad... I was going to give you Little Mikey until I hurt my nose...

Malikai: Oh, don't feel bad sis *hugs her* I still love you little sis

Arabella- Weally ?

Malikai: Yes really

Arabella smiles and hugs him.

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