Meet Skye's mom and sisters

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Back with Skye...

Skye is worried in her normal form...

Skye- I can't believe this is happening !

Savy: It's okay, calm down Skye, everything will be okay

Skye- Okay ?! Okay ?! My Mom is the reason why I bursted into my Kitsune form ! She embarrassed me in a daisy mart in front of my old crush and my old bully Kitty Kaboodle !

Lexy: Hey, it's okay, your mother trust us to control your kitsune form

Skye hides under the table before Malikai and the sibs cane

Malikai: Hey guys, what's going on? I need to make it quick cause I promised Lotus I take her to see Stritzo

Lexy- Skye is panicking ebcause her mother is coming because her Kitusne form

Jason: Oh boy...

Skye cries emotionally

Skye- Mommy ! Im sorry !

Tops: No no no don't cry *hugs her* We're here for you.

Pentol: That's not the only problem, there's a concert coming soon next month.

Skye cries louder

Tigs: No no it's okay! We will help you!

Sonia came in holding Annie, Snake slithers in with a suitcase*

Sonia: Hey mom, dad, we're back!

Smarty- Welcome to the family Snake

Snake- Thanks.

Pinstripe and Snake looked at each other in silence before they smiled and shook hands and tail.

Sonia- Awww !

Then the doorbell rings and Skye gasped

Savy: Don't worry Skye, keep calm, I'll handle this *went to the door and opens it*

They look and see a tall and lovely blonde fox similar to Skye, with long nice hair up and wears the same lotus like Skye and wears a lovely light blue and green dress with green heels and noticeably has emerald greene yes

Savy: Hello Genevieve, welcome to the Toon patrol home

Genevieve- Hello. You're Princess Savy I presume ?

Savy shakes her hand: Yes I am

Genevieve- Pleasure.

They see her.

Tops- Ooh !

Pentol- That must be Skye's mom

Zanobia- She is very pretty in green

Skye nervously comes out

Innari is in Skye's purse*

Skye- Mother... Hi....

Genevieve hugs Skye.

Genevieve- Oh my dear Skylar baby ! How are you ? Its been a long while !

Skye-( Awkwardly ) Yeah it has

Innari looks: Hi Genevieve! Remember me?

Genevieve- Innari !

She then sees her Kitsune jewelpet.

Genevieve- Kora !

Genevieve nuzzles them both.

Genevieve- It's been a long while. Have you been helping my daughter out lately ?

Kora: I'm doing good!

Geneviève- Wonderful.

Malikai- So do you have a Jewelpet as well ?

Genevieve- Of course. Moeru!

A light pink Persian cat jewelpet with a duck pendant popped out and ontp her shoulder

Zanobia: Awwwww!

Genevieve- This is my Jewelpet Moru .

Moru- Hello !

Tops- Awww !

Skye- ( Hopefully ) So Mom are you the only one here ?

Genevieve- Nope.

Skye's face immediately fell in shock.

Genevieve- Your father and sisters are here

Tigs: Huh? She has sisters?

Genevievr- Of course she does !

Skye-( Embarrassed ) Oh my God Mom.. Please...

Genevieve- This is her eldest sister Tea.

They see a tall and pretty female fox with wavy long dark blonde hair and fur, cadet blue eyes , a petite athletic figure and wears a short sleeved blue shirt with jean shorts

Tina: Oh my!

Tea- Hiya.

Geneviebe- Our little one Ava .

The an adorable small fox around 12 appears with fluffy red/blonde fur and hair wearing a rainbow shirt with ripped jeans

Cream: Awwwww! So cute!

Ava- Hiya ! Im Ava-Lynn !

Genevieve- And here is our second eldest daughter Foxy Roxy

Axelle: So pretty!

Jason remembers the name before an attractive slightly muscular and curvy fox appears with Genevieve's eyes

Foxy- Hiya

Jason: Foxy?

Foxy- Jason ?

Jason: It's been so long

Foxy- Yeah. I guess.

Jason: Sorry, I'm married now *holds Tatyana close* I'd never cheat on my wife

Tatyana smiles.

Foxy- Hey. You think Im flirting with you and think Im the girl you use to cheat WITH ? Then boy , you are miserably mistaken.

Jason: I know, it's in the past Foxy

Foxy- Exactly. Plus I should say that to you. Remember Meghan ?

Jason rolls his eyes: I never what to speak of her again

Foxy- Exactly.

Skye- So where is Dad and Will now ?

Genevieve- At home

Malikai: So who is the fourth daughter?

They looked at Skye.

Skyr- Don't... You...dare...

Malikai: Wait, your the fourth?

Skye- THIRD. Ava is the fourth.

Morty: Oh

Ava: Oh, and grandma is here!

Skye- Oh no....

Genevieve- Don't worry. She is at the house.

Skye- Oh thank God.

Skye the nine tailed foxWhere stories live. Discover now