Meet lady Ragyo

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In the room...

Void goes to check on his one Akuma

Void: Huh? Where's my akuma?

Vexa gulped as she hides in the living room where the other siblings are

Void: Eh, I'll make another one later

He goes to the other siblings to ask them if he took his last Akuma

Void: Kids, have one of you took my last akuma?

Ganon- No ?

Mephia- I haven't.

He sees Vexa sneaking away

Void: Vexa....

Vexa froze and looked

Void: Did you take it?

Vexa bursted into tears.

Vexa- Yeeeeeessss! I'm so sorry Daddy ! I used it to Akumatized that stupid hedgehog girl Annella since I failed to give you the moon Crystal ! Im sorry !!

Void hugs her*

Vexa sniffles and looks

Void: You tried sweetie, I'll make another one next time

Vexa-( Sniffles ) Really ?

Void: Yes really

Vexa snuggles him.

Back in Lucy Sulfer's placr....

Lucy moans as she feels Carnie thrusting until he came

Carnie: Yes! Yes!

Lucy- Uh... Uh...

Carnie: I'm close!

Lucy- Oh... I am too !~

Carnie thrusts faster*

Lucy moans louder and holds onto his shoulders

Carnie then came*

Lucy moans softly as she lets go

Carnie collapsed by her*

Lucy- Wow....

Carnie: Man, we've been dating for a week...

Lucy-( Chuckles ) I know....

Carnie sighs happily*

Lucy kisses him, and he quickly kisses he holds her cheek.

Back with the other Void's Children they made,it to Ragyo's lair...

Void jr: This is the place

Nega Death- Yep

They went in*

They see the Blue clone of Nui Harime Blui , and Ragyo's one daughter Satsuke

Dark Gaia: Ooh

Blui- Oh hello Void's boys ! What are you doing this fine day ?~

Enerjak: Dad wants you to join Dad's domination

Blui- Oooooh !~

Satsule- Then whats in it for us ?

Ixis: Ruling over the galaxies

Satsuke- Alrighy. Let me get my mother.

They followed them*

Nega Death- All I wanna do is watch you take me to a giant woman , i giant woman !

Void Jr- Nega Death ? Seriously ?

Nega Death- What ? Big women can be attractive like Lady Dimitrescu

The boys but Void Jr snickered at the thought of Lady Dimitrescue before they made it

Dark Gaia: Huh?

Satsuki- Mother theyre here.

??- Reallt. Well let's take a lool at them.

The woman stands up and reveals to br a tall and majestic woman who wears white with her short hair woth rainbow ends

Aku: Whoa!

Ragyo- Well well well. Void's sons. What a surprise to see you here on thr other sid eof the galaxy....

Nega Death invisibly fangirls as he fist bumps Definite on seeing quite a tall and elegant woman.

Definite rolled his eyes*

Ragy bent down and looks at them.

Ragyo- So what brings you here ?

Void Jr: Dad wants you to join his domination

Ragyo- Really? After all this time and Cenrury he finally calls back to tell by sending his sons ?

Ixis: He'll let you rule one of the galaxies

Ragyo- Depends.... Can I spread my Life Fibers across the galaxy ?~

Aku: Interesting

Ragyo- In case you dont know what they are they are those deadly suits that attach to someone and become weapons

Void Jr- Like a Symbiote ?

Ragyo- You can say that. Unlike my no good second daughter who stole one of mine and made it good! I'm still hunting her down...

Ixis: Whoa!

Ragyo- But.... Alright. I will help

Nega Death- Alright Dimitrescu.

His brothers froze when he called her that milf's namr.

Ragyo-( Raises a brow ) What was that ?

Nega Death turns red and shakes himself out of it.

Nega Death- Nothing Lady Ragyo !

Ragyo smiles .

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