Annelle hurts Ein

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Back in Sailor Moon's home...


Michiru- He's gone ! We searched everywhere !

Ami: Oh no!

Luna- Serena, girls what have you done?! You let him have Queen Serenity's moon crystal !

Rei: What's the big whoop? He's a cute baby!

Artemis- No ! He is VOID'S baby!!

They gasped*

Serena: Uh oh!

Luna- Uh oh is right ! Now what ?!

With Void...

He is searching for ome of the two evil Moon Sailors

Ifrit came: Dad, I cleaned the moon crystal for you

Void- That's nice Ifirt...

Void places the moon crystal on his amulet*

Ifrit- What are you doing now ?

Void: Looking up some other Sailor moon girls

Ifrit- Like what ?

Void: These two girls

Ifrit- Hm ?

Void-Sailor Pluto and Sailor Galaxia...

Ifrit: Ooh

Void first sees a gorgeous girl with dark green hair and dark attire

Iblis: She looks cool

Null: Okay?

Void- Huh. Broken hearted like me ? How matching...

Void Jr: What about to other one?

Void scrolls and sees a fiery gorgeous one with blonde and red wavy long hair , and wears a golden sailor scout like outfit

Dark Gaia: Ooh la la

Void jr sees his reaction and chuckles

Void- It first says for Sailor Pluto she was once a guardian to the Nrgaverse' Moon Kingdom but she quickly betrayed them when King Endymion married Queen Serenity because she was in love with him

Enerjak: Whoa!

Void- Okay for Sailor Galaxia , she also was one of them but she wanted much more and wanted to rule the Negaverse but Serenity stopped her. By then she tuped a team of other evil Sailor girls called Shadow Galactica

Aku: Sweet

Void: I want you kids to find them so I can talk to them

Void jr: Yes dad! *as they left*

Back in dark town*

Savy: So Mrs Vixen, why don't you want Skye to go to the concert?

Genevieve: Because I had a humiliating moment at a concert...

Lexy- How so ?

Genevieve sighs: When I was little, I was so happy to go at a concert with my friends, I didn't have my kitsune form in me yet, until one day, my bully threw a tomato at me, the crowd laughed at me, made me so humilated, I'd never go to another concert ever again

Skye gasped*

Genevieve: I'm worried if it might happen to Skye too

Skye is shocked and feels sorry for her

Skye holds Genevieve's hand*

Genevieve looks at her*

Skye- Mom... I didnt know...

Lexy: Please let Skye go, we promise we won't let Skye be embarrassed by the public.

Genevieve sighs: After the removing of your kitsune form, I'll take you to see the concert sweetie.

Skye- Alright Ma...

Skye sighed sadly

Ein and Pierce came*

Ein: Well well, if it isn't Savy and her pathetic friends and silly siblings

Skye- Why did Aphmau marry him again ?

Savy: She has no one else since Aaron is dead.

Blitzo: Damn that's rough.

Pierce: Who is this fox woman with you?

Skye- Right... Im her friend Skye

Pierce: Not you *points at Skye's Mother* I meant her

Skye- Rude.

Genevieve- Im her mother...

Pierce: I see.

Maisie is with her friends, Crush nuzzled Annella, but they see Ein and Pierce*

Ein: Anyway Savy, we got you a pie. *holds the pie*

Savy: Ooh! Is it cherry pie?

Ein: Even better *slams the pie on her face*

Savy takes it off: Mud!? Gross!

Skye- Hey ! That's not nice !

Ein and Pierce laughs*

Annella came to them: Um, hello you two, that was not nice

Ein looks at her: And who are you missy?

Skye walked over and gently pushed Annella aside.

Skye- Look why dont you two get out of herr ? You pranked people enough

Annella: No, I want to talk to them

Pierce: Awww, scared of a little hedgehog?

Ein: Why don't you get lost red head? *pushes Annella*

Annella growls and her eyes turned green: DON'T YOU DARE! PUSH! ME!!! *as her powers pushed Ein in the trash can*

Savy- Wow !

Skye- How did you do that?!

Annella gasped, she looks at her hands*

Annella: I'm sorry! I shouldn't done that! *covers her face and runs*

Crush: Annella! Wait!

Skye- Nice going Ein..

Ein: What?

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