Crush meets Annelle

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With Enerjak...

Sabrina is walking on the sidewalk giggling

Maisie: And that's how we ran into the building away from the monster house sentimonster

Sabrina- Wow !

Alpine: Yeah, you would've seen Scott scared when he looked back

Scott crosses his arms: Don't remind me!


They all ran in the buulding.

Night- Okay Im a little scared!

Maisie: Don't look back!

Scott did and the monster scared him

Scott screamed and closed the door, but the door slowly opens*

Scott: I looked back!

The monster scared him again, Scott screams and shot the door*

FlashBack ends.

Night- You are such a coward scotty

Scott: I know.

Crush: You guys are lucky to have loved ones, for me, I'm still single...

Sabrina- Hey... Come here

Crush: Yes?

Sabrina- There will be someone out there for you.

Crush: Who?

Sabrina- Youll see.

Sabrina sees Enerjak

Enerjak: Hey Sabrina, hanging out with your friends?

Sabrina blushes.

Sabrina- Um yes ?

Enerjak: Can I hang out too?

Sabrina- Can he guys ? ( Whispers ) Hes hot.

Maisie: Sure, why not?

Enerjak: Cool!

Tito: Hey, who's the new senorita?

Sabrina- Okay. You dont know this but she is Lucianna's cousin and Blitzo showed me. She is half angel and half succubus

Tito: I know that, but I'm talking about that senorita *points at Annelle*

Crush dropped his jaw, he tail is wagging fast*

Sabrina shoves Tito out of the way.

Sabrina- Thanks jerk face for cutting me off. Anyway that is One of Amy Rose sisters Annella. I havent seen the other one

Tito: Sorry Sabrina

Crush: She's so beautiful...

Cake: So, go talk to her.

Crush: her?

Sabrina- Duuuuh ! How can it be bad. Now go or I'll turn you into nice gator purse

Zell: Crush, it's easy, give her some flowers.

Tito: Wither, what do you have for Crush to give to the girl?

Wither used his plant power: I have roses that matches her hair, teal flowers that matches her eyes, I think it's perfect for her, you should give her these.

Sabrina- Okay alright already!

Sabrina gets a little jealous and pushes them to her which Enerjak is amazed

Crush came to her: Um, hello there.

Annella- Oh hello.. Im Annella

Crush blushes: I'm Crush *holds the flowers* These are for you

Annella blushes and giggles.

Annella- Oh ! Thank you. So you new here ?

The kids watch and enjoy the sight but Sabrina feels like she doesnt fit in and feels like she doesnt matter

Maisie hugs her: You are pretty strong Sabrina

Sabrina smiles.

Sabrina- Thanks Maisie. I'm just like this because I never even met your friends before and I barely had any except Chibiusa

Maisie: Oh my

Sabrina- Yeah. Im not a very open person.

Enerjak went to her

Enerjak: Well your special to us

Sabrina- Awww Jakky~

Sabrina kisses his cheek making him red.

In the Chaos Kingdom

Hayami is one month pregnant*

Hayami smiles as she is with Rahzar and Fang watching the babies

Ixis arrives with flowers*

Hayami- Ixis !

Ixis: Hey Hayami!

All the babies see him and crawled to him.

Plumette Bull cow !

Riku- Moo moo !

Ixis: Hey kiddos!

The kids crawled to him.

Ixis hugged them*

Hayami walked to him

Hayami- how are you dear?

Ixis: I'm doing good

Hayami- Well Im pregnant with Rahzar Fang and Your babies

Ixis: Triplets!

Hayami-(Blushes) Mhm

The babies giggled*

Rahzar: Hey Ixis, we're having some lunch soon, you want to join us?

Ixis: Of course

They went in to have tea*

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