Genevieve gets akumatized

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The next day*

Void wakes up stretching*

Vero wants to sleep in and snoozes more

Void picks him up*

Vero gurgles as he starts to wake up

Void: Morning son

Vero looks at him and babbles as he reaches to touch his nose

Void chuckles*

The other kids wake up groaning*

They all went to the table to have breakfast as Jin barks as Ifirt holds him

Ifrit nuzzled him*

Vexa- Sooooo wants for breakfast ?

Null: I do!

Time Skip....

They are all eating breakfast.

Vexa- Fine... Nega Death , baby bro , I'm sorry I called you Donald Trump

Nega Death: I'm sorry I flicked your head with food sis

Vexa- Hug baby bro ?

Nega Death hugs her*

Vexa- Wheeee !

Vero babbles and sneakily takes the sausage off of Ganon's plate

Ganon: Vero

Vero looks.

Vero- Eh ?

Ganon: That's my food

Vero babbles amd tries to crawl back to his high chair

Void helps him*

Vero babbles to him that he's hungry

Void: I got some baby food son

Vero claps happily and his tail wags

Void starts to feed him baby food*

Vero babblss amd ears as Jin snatches a few sausages from the sausage plate with his mouth

Ixis: Kids.

Void smells something: Hmmmm, I smell a new victim wanting to be akumatized tonight...

Vexa- Who Daddy ?

Void: An angry mother *evilly chuckles*

Later at night, the red moon shines*

Skye is in a nice red Kimono ready for the ritual with her damily

Her grandma is there too*

Skye sighs.

Skye- Let's get this over with

The old man draw a circle around Skye*

Her Mother grandmother aunt and sisters all gathered up as Skye makes it in the circle

Old man: You ready Skye?

Skye- Yes I am

They started singing the chant*

The circle started to glow and Skye is being levitated in the circle as she slowly loses her consciousness

Skye then appears in a bamboo forest*

Skye- Whoa....Where am I ?

Skye looks around, she then sees a big dark blue mirror*

She sees her Kitsune self and touches it

Her Kitsune arm shows itself*

Skye gasped and looks at it

Skye- What would Great great grandma Ahri would do ?

Skye starts to slowly go into the mirror as her kitsune form is being pulled out, but she's having memories of her friends hugging her kitsune form*

She realizes that she feels free and like herself with it and decides to change her mind

Skye- No... I want to be free ! I want to live !

Skye then starts to run out of the mirror

The others noticed Skye is glowing*

Grandma: Huh?!

Skye then starts to wake up yelling as she is poofed into her kitsune form thus making a small explosion from the circle when she landed down

They are clamoring*

Grandma: Skye? What happened?

Genevieve: Don't worry Skye, we'll try again!

Skye- No ! I wanna keep it !

Skye tries to leave, but they tried to hold her back*

Genevieve: Sweetie! Let us help you!

Skye- Mom I ! Said ! NO !!!

Skye pulls away from all of them, making them all fall down and Genevieve's amulet crack.

Skye- Im going to the concert!

Skye then stormed off

Genevievd- No !

Mei Ling- This is a disaster !

Grandma Catrina: Genevieve what did you do?!

Nikki- How could you let this happen ?

Tea- Mom , calm down...

Ava- Its okay Mommy...

Genevieve cries as she feels she's failed as a mother as she started to get angry.

Genevieve- How... Could she?

Void as the Evil Goden Phoenix sees this: Ah, an upset mother, wanting to protect her daughter, well I can help with that. *used his power to make an akuma* Fly little akuma, and evilize her.

The Akuma flies into her half broken jade pendant before it bursts out and the soul half of her kitsune bursts out with fury and rushes as Genevieve and forces itself inside her as she started to glow red and yellow

Void: Kitsuzilla, I am Evil Lord Phoenix, you are upset that your daughter leaves you? For now on your huge form will make sure you keep her forever. But in return you must destroy Ladybug and Cat Noir!

Kitsuzilla/Genevieve's eyes glow a furious red.


Skye the nine tailed foxWhere stories live. Discover now