Snake meets Viper

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In Hell...

Lucy Sulfers is in her apartment finished brushing her hair as she lays down and looks at the ceiling

Lucy sighs*

Lucy- My life sucks...

Lucy looks out the window*

Lucy looks more*

The Sleazy carnie is smoking outside having no job*

Lucy decides to take a walk

Sleazy carnie sees her: Hubba hubba!

Lucy walks

Sleazy carnie came to her: Hey cutie!

Lucy looks and sees him.

Lucy- Huh ?

Sleazy carnie came to her: You look very sexy

Lucy- Um thank you ?

Sleazy carnie: I'm Sleazy Carnie, but you may call me Carnie

Lucy- Im Lucy Sulfers

Carnie: Cute name *kisses her hand*

Lucy- Oh my !

Carnie: Hey, do you want to go out with me?

Lucy smiled.

Lucy- Sure. I would love to.

Lucy takes Carnie's hand before they left.

Back at Toon patrol hq, Sonia rubs her belly*

Annie coos*

Snake- Hey babe. Im gonna go out . Will you alright ?

Sonia: Of course I will honey

Snake- Okay. Love ya.

Snake slithered out of the HQ before he sees a Small crown in the center of Toon Town

Snake looks, he slithers closer to the crowd*

He looks and sees a beautiful lime green viper with two pink flowers , and light blue eyes,and Chinese markings on her back to her tail ribbon dancing onstage

Snake: Whoa

Everyone cheers for her

After the ribbon dancing , everyone started to leave

Viper smiles*

Snake sees her*

Vipe slithers away

Snake came to her*

Viper sees him: Huh?

Viper sees Snake

Viper- Um hello

Snake: Hey there cutie

Viper- Did you enjoy the ribbon dance ?

Snake: Yes I did

Viper- Who are you ?

Snake: I'm Snake

Viper- Im Viper...

Snake: Cute name

Viper- Thank you

Snake: Hey, do you want to go out sometime?

Viper- Hmm... Maybe I dont know. I heard a few things about you

Snake: Yes?

Viper- You know ? About some snake guy lusting on some young girl for two days while stealing some meteorite

Snake is embarrassed: Yeah, my wife

Viper is surprised- Oh your wife ? so it was you ?

Snake blushes: Yeah yeah

Viper slithered back a little.

Viper- Oh Im sorry about that

Snake: Hey, where are you going?

Viper- Back. Im sorry but Im not going to get involve with a dispute between you and your wife

Snake: Hey hey don't leave

Viper looks

Snake: Sonia told me she won't be mad if I have another girl, I mean she has two husbands

Viper- Alright... And snakes are polygamous...

Snake smiles: Yes they are

Viper- Well.... Alright then.

Snake smiles before he sees she has no fangs

Snake: Huh? You have no fangs

Viper is shocked and turns red before she covers her mouth.

Viper- Oh umm... You saw nothing...

Snake: You were born without them?

Viper- Well... Yes... Im the daughter of the Venomous Master Viperio the most venomous viper. When he saw I was born fangless he thought I couldnt defend myself but with something I was good at which was ribbon dancing I was able to beat a gorilla with it and made my Daddy proud. But... Some toons still make fun of me for being a fangless snaken

Snake: I don't care if you have no fangs, I think your amazing

Viper blushes pink.

Viper- Really ?

Snake: Yes really

Viper- Awwww !

Snake smiles*

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