Void's boys seeing their mates

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Back in the lair.....

Ifrit comes out with the serum.

Vexa- You made it !

Ifrit: I finished the serum!

Aku looks

Ifrit: Drink it, and you can have one kid

Aku takes it and drinks it down

Aku glows green*

They watch

Aku then stops glowing: Ah, much better!

Vexa- Ooh !

Definite: Com'on bro, let's go see our mates

Enerjak nodded and the four with Ixis left.

With Calixta...

Thorn and her are having tea*

Calixta- This is nice my dear

Thorn: I agree, I hope Jennifer is doing okay with her friends

Calixta- Dont worry dear. She and Jade are doing excellent.

Calixta kisses her husband's cheek.

Calixta- Im going to get ready for a walk my dear

Thorn: Okay honey

Calixta smiles and goes outside as Aku is in the forest

Aku: Hmmmm

He looks and sees Calixta

Aku holds some flowers*

Calixta sighs as she feels thr air

Aku: Hello my dear

Calixta- Huh ? Oh hello

Aku: I am the great Aku!

Calixta- Oh , I've heard

Aku holds some flowers: These are for you

Calixta is surprsied and gently rakes thrm

Calixta- Oh thank you

Aku: Yes, my dad told me that you are my chosen mate

Calixta- ( Turns red ) What ?

Aku: It's true

Calixta- Oh my...

Aku smiles*

Calixta blushes

Aku: Shall we go out my dear?

Calixta- Oh. Okay...

With Lira...

Lira watches her two babies sleep*

Manic- Hey babe...

Lira: Oh, hey Manic

Manic- How's our little ones doing ?

Lira: They're doing great honey

Manic smiles and kisses her cheek

Lira smiles*

Manic- Babe Im going to take a nap okay

Lira: Okay honey

Manic smiles and goes upstairs

Lira went outside to have fresh air*

Definite sees her.

Definite- Babe !

Lira sees him: Definite!

Definite hugs her

Lira hugs him back*

Definite- How are you my dear ?

Lira: I'm doing well darling

Definite snirks and kisses her

Lira kisses him back*

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