Tops's prank

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Pentol- ( Giggles ) Watch me prank Tops guys

Tops is drinking*

Pentol- Tops ! Tops !

Tops- Yes bro ?

Pentol- Bro we found out what your real name was....

Tops: Yes?

Pentol- Little Shit.

Tops gasped*

Pentol keeps his laughter in

Tops has tears*

Pentol then laughs.

Pentol- Psyche ! I was just kidding Tops !

Tops: You're mean! *cries*

Pentol- Tops Tops ! Im sorry. That wasn't cool

Tops runs away crying*

Pentol- Tops ! Wait !

Pentol runs after him

Tops runs into his room, he has an idea for a revenge prank*

Pentol runs in

Tops is not in his room*

Pentol- Tops Im sorry! I didn't mean to make you hurt ! It was a joke !

Tops is on the ceiling like spiderman*

Tops has a remote.

Pentol- Tops ?

He pressed it and a big fat guy fell on him

Tops laughs*

Ludel: Oh my!

Jason, Morty and Arabella crazily laughed

Pentol laughs: You got me good bro!

Tigs chuckles: He really did!

The fat guy got off of Pentol and left as Malikai saw the whole thing

Malikai: What the?

Arabella- Bro ! Tops dropped a fat guy on Pentol !

Malikai: Oh my!

Arabella- Bro ! I got a new trick for Tigs...

Malikai: Yes?

Arabella- It's like that scene where Mike falls in the trash can.

Arabella kicks Tigs off his feet

Tigs yells*

He rolled into the trash can and a few books slipped into his mouth

Then a stereo fell on his head*

Tigs: I'm okay...

Arabella giggles a little.

Arabella- Sorry geeky bro !

In Void's lair....

Vexa and Vero are hiding trying to keep away from Void

Void walks down the hall*

Vexa and Vero are quiet

Void's tongue sensed something: I smell my kids hiding

The kids stay silent

Void gets closer*

The kids stayed quiet

Void sees them: Aha!

Vexa and Vero screamed

Void hugs them*

Vexa gigglea with Vero

Vexa- You're not mad because I ate your chips by accident are you ?!

Void: Nah, there are some more in the food storage room

Vexa- Oh. Because I was imagining you hunting us down like a predator becausw we did something wrong and when you found us I would scream like a little girl and Vero would either fart or burp

Vero giggles*

Void chuckles as well.

Void- Come on come on. Let's go.

Dark Gaia and Galaxia are in the living room

Dark Gaia: You are so cute

Galaxia-(Blushes ) Oh my

Dark Gaia kisses her hand*

Galaxia- Oh !

Dark Gaia smiles*

Definite: Did you guys know? Lira is pregnant with my child.

Aku: Lucky you.

Definite: Yeah, maybe someday you guys will have kids.

Nega Death: Let's hope so for me.

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