Dracorex propose to Jennifer

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Back at Toon patrol hq, they are having Lunch with Skye's mother and sisters*

The pets watched them*

Skye- I cant believe this......

Pentol: Hey Mrs Vixen, we were hoping if it's okay if Skye can come with us to the concert next month on the 15?

Geneiveve: Sorry, that is the day where the red moon comes and we will remove Skye's kitsune form.

Skye sweats as she covers her face

Tops: Awwwwww, no fair....

Skye-( Whispers ) I told you guys she won't. She never been to one ! You think she's going to let me go?!

Malikai is shocked*

Savy: We understand Mrs Vixen

Genevieve- Alright

Skye- Mother.... Im going to talk to my friends for a minute so DON'T follow

Genevieve: Of course

Skye takes her friends and zoom off

Ludel: So what do you want to tell us?

Skye- I told you she wont let me go !! Aw man ! I told you and I told you but you NEVER listen !

Tigs: We're sorry

Pentol: You were really begging to go see that concert!

Skye- I know ! I just dont know what to do

Malikai: Don't you worry, we'll figure this out okay?

Skye- A... Alright.

With Aku and Calixta..

Skye- A... Alright.

With Aku and Calixta..

Aku and Calixta enjoy the walk*

Aku: I used to rule over china many years ago to make my father proud, I even got a woman pregnant with 7 babies

Calixta turns red and is shocked.

Aku: But my brother Ifrit helped fix me up, now I can have 1 child

Calixta- oh dear...

Aku: Yep, so I'm okay now

Calixta- Oh nice

Aku: Yep, so how is your husband doing?

Calixta- Hes doing alright and so is my daughter

Aku: Hmmm, I wonder how your daughter is doing?

With Jennifer, she is with Kelly and her friends*

Aphrodite: That's awful!

Kelly: I know, I dealt with New Death, now I need to deal with Nega Death

Jennifer- Hey you're at least you get a lot of attention. I'm the daughter of the goddess of beauty and I dont get much attention ! Even after S7 !

Kelly: I know

Dracorex came with flowers*

Jennifer- Baby !

Dracorex: Hey darling!

Jennifer kisses his cheek

Dracorex: I quit Hook Fang, the evil thing is not working out for me.

Jennifer- Awww sweetie !

Dracorex smiles*

The girls squealed a bit*

Dracorex: Hey Jennifer, I want to ask you something.

Jennifer- Yes ?

Dracorex: We've been dating for so long, and I think I want to spend my life with you *shows the ring* Jennifer, will you marry me?

Jennifer gasped and tears up.

Jennifer- Oh... Dracorex! Of course I'll marry you!

Dracorex puts the ring on her finger*

The girls squealed happily*

Jennifer giggles.

In the Chaos kingdom

They are having lunch*

Hayami- This is nice my dear

Ixis: I know, my dad sent Thanos to find the Time stone, my dad is very determined

Hayami- Now Im very worried

Ixis: Yeah, well, I kinda saw my dad used the Ego stone on Issac

Hayami- That explains why he betrayed Blitzo. ( Holds her eyes with her hands ) Oh no ! I wish you could say something to slow Void down

Ixis: I would, but if I get in his way, I get punished, LOTS of cleaning around the floating castle...

Hayami- Oh dear....

Ixis: Yeah, that's why.

Hayami- Im sure things will work out one way or another..

They watch the babies play happily laughing making them chuckle.

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