At Aphmau's party

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In Void's lair...

Void The kids and their mates are having dinner

Darkness is eating sighing sadly*

Void- Are you alright brother ?

Darkness: Is my Lightness doing okay?

Void- Well find her Darkness. She's alright. She's immortal like us after all

Enerjak: But I thought Savy is Lightness?

Vexa- Oh my God. Shut uuuuuuup Enerjak....

Darkness: Yes, you told me she is trapped in her mortal human form

Void- Um yes , she is ! Ofcourse she is !

Vexa- Let's just not talk about this okay ?!

Void pats her hand: Sorry about that sweetie

Vexa smiles a little before Vero sneaks away under the table with Jin eating cookies

Void: But I'm disappointed Beige failed to get the pendant to free Malfor

Vexa- Yeah. Im still upset Iblis would say I was jealous because his future mate would be hotter than mine ! And he is the hottest anime looking boy !( Points at Nega Death ) Even he is smart enough not to say that crap to me !

Nega Death: Oh really?

Vexa- You wanma go to little bro? Or am I going to have to prove myself wrong and say YOU WOULD say that to me ?

Nega Death: I'm taller than you!

Vexa- But I am taller than you , ha ! Beat that Donald Trump !

Nega Death flicks food on her face*

Everyome gasped in shocm.

Vexa- Oh. Yoi did not just did that you overgrown child !

Vexa takes off her earrings and beats the heck out of him before Void and Ifrit notice their babies are missing

Void: Ifrit find the babies, I'll deal with these two

Ifirt- Yes Dad.

Vexa has Nega death Pinned to the table with food on him twisting his arm in a painful way.

Vexa- Say it ! Say you're nothing bit a overhrown man child who cant control his hormones !!

Void: Break it up! Break it up!

Vexa- If you hit a pregnabt woman again I will find a spell to make you liie a girl and get you pregnant with SOMEONE ELSE'S DNA !!

Void: I! SAID! BREAK! *turns into demonic form* IT! UUUUUUUUUUUUP!!! *as he roars at them*

The kids are shocked*

Vexa tears up as she is in shock

Void pants as he turns back: Now, both of you are going to stop fighting and clean up this mess!

Vexa then bursts out crying scared and hurt at the outburst as Ifrit found Verp and Jin under the table

Ifrit: I found them dad!

Void- Good.

Void grabs Vero as Vexa cries

Void: Sweetie, what's wrong?

Nega Death- You scared her Dad

Void: Oh, sorry sweetie, It's just my anger issues

Vexa hugs him back. Void forgot how sensitive she can be when he acts like this

Void: I'm sorry how sensitive you are, let's clean up the dining room together

Vexa nodded yes*

Meanwhile at Aphmau's party*

Savy, Skye, Crystal amd the others are laying on the rooftop staring at the moon.

Skye- Man that was fun

Savy: I know!

Crystal- So you think your mom knows about this Skye ?

Skye- I dont know. I wouldnt worry about it too much.

In Genevieve's home , she is in her bedroom meditating until Ava bursts in with her phone in hand

Ava- Mommy ! Mommy !

Genevieve: Yes?

Ava- You're mot going to believe this but I just saw a video of Skye in her kitsune form dancing !

Genevieve: What?!

Ava- Yes ! Look !

Ava gives her her phone

Genevieve: She's breaking my rules! Where is she?!

Ava- She's at Aphmau's party. If you ask how I saw Aphmau's invite on insta.

Genevieve growls and grabs her car keys before she fled out.

Back at the party, Skye and the girls happily talk until the radio comes on

They looked*

Radio- Good evening everyone! I hope you are ready for tomorrow night because the concert will take place tomorrow at 8 pm in the Toon Center .

The girls froze in shock amd turned to the radip

Amy screams happily*

Savy- What ?

Skye- Amy.... You said the concert was on the 18th !

Amy: I thought so, but I got the tickets for all of us!

Crystal- Uh Amy ? Don't you remember Skye's ritual and the Red moon is TOMORROW ?!

Amy: Oh right.

Savy: Things will be fine.

Skye poofed back into her kitsune form.

Skyr- Oh no! This is bad , this is bad ! This is BAD !! The concerts tomorrow ! I cant miss it ! But the ritual is tomorrow as well ! What am I gonna do ?!

Savy- Skye its okay , calm down.

Ein: Well well well, if it isn't Savy and her friends and husband...

Smarty- What do you want ? Were busy !

Skye- Yeah buzz off jerk face !

Some of the toons laughed

Savy: What do you want Ein?

Ein: Oh I thought I can show you something cute

Savy gasps: Is it a cute puppy? Or a kitten?

Ein: No, MUD BALLS! *as Ein and Pierce throws mud balls at her*

Savy: Ewww!

Skye- Why dont you guys get out of here ?!

The Weaselings see this

Malikai: Uh oh

Pentol: Oh no!

Pierce: Oh I'm sorry, we should cover Savy's dress in mud! *throws more mud at Savy*

Savy has tears: Stop it!

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