Travis and Malphurus are born

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In Toon Town....

Daisy smiles as she rubs her belly

Zack: I'm excited to meet our next child

Daisy giggles.

Daisu- Mw too~

Then Tride zoomed over.

Daisy- Tride !

Tride: There's a new villain coming!

Daisy- ( Slightly glares at him) Tride ! I dont want to stress about a villain again !

Tride: Sorry babe

Daisy- Awww , its okay ! Come here..

Tride comes to her*

Daisy gently holds his cheek and kisses his nose and his eyes

Tride smiles*

Daisy- You're so handsome~

Tride smirks before Daisy feels pain in her stomach

Zack: Honey, are you okay?!

Daisy- Zack... Tride.. Its the baby !

Tride: Shoot! We need to take you to a hospital!

Tride holds Daisy and zoomed out of the house...

Tride and Zack wait in the ER as they hear Daisy yelp

They hold the babies*

Lotus- Papa ? Daddy ?

Zack: Yes sweetie?

Lilly- Will Mama be okay ?

Tride: She might be honey

Them Fanny come sout.

Fanny- Tride ? Zack ?

Tride: Yes?

Fanny: She gave birth to a boy

Zack and Tride smile

Zack- A boy ?

Fanny: Yes, you two may come see her now

Zack and Tride came in and see Daisy holding a blue bundle

Lilly: Mama!

Daisy- Babies ! Boys !

Zack: Where's my son?

Daisy- he's right here babe

They looked at him*

They see a small baby boy with light skin and honey brown eyes like Daisy and brown hair like Zack

Lotus: Awwww!

Zavor- Beh beh ?

The baby sniffles

Zack: Hey there son

The baby sniffles and sees Zack and coos

Tride: What do you want to name him?

Zack: Travis

Daisy giggles

Travis coos*

Daisy pets him before he sees Tride

Tride looks at him*

Travis coos and reaches out to him

Tride picks him up*

Travis coos as he tocuhes his face and looks at him

Tride smiles*

Daisy smiles and kisses his cheek.

Daisy- He sees you as another Daddy.

Tride- ( Smiles ) Yeah... He does..

With Nyra....

Nyra smiles as she looks and rubs her egg

Malphas looks at it*

Nyra- Any day now....

The two kids looked at it*

Fresco- Wow...

Fresco gently pets it

Thalassa smiles*

Thalassa- So when will it hatch ?

Nyra- Anytime sweeties...

Malphas: That's right kids

Suddenly the egg started to move

They gasped*

Nyra- the egg ! It's moving !

Fresco: Awesome!

Then the egg started to hatch

They looked*

They see a small pink beak peeked out chirping

Malphas: Oh!

Nyra- Oh my goodness....

Then the whole egg hatches and reveals a small black and white male owlet

Thalassa: Awwwww!

Nyra tears up with joy as the owlet chirps looking at his surroundings

Malphas: Hello son

The owlet looks at his parents amd chirps

Fresco: He's so cute!

Nyra smiles as she holds him

Malphas: What do you want to name him?

Nyra- Hmm... How about Malphrus ?

Malphas smiles: I love it

Nyra smiles and snuggles him

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